Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Wasted Day ~

I hate wasting a whole day and that is just what I did yesterday.  I slept in later than I had planned, took the girls for a nail trim and headed home.  Spent a little time catching up on some blogs when the arms of Morpheus took hold of me.  I have been battling something for almost a week.  One day I even left work early (I only went in because it was purchase order day and I had some to enter) and that is very rare.  I went home and slept that day and did it again today.  Now I am not one who can power nap and when I lay down, it is at least for a couple of hours.  So I slept for a couple hours and then took a quick trip to a cross stitch shop in a neighboring town.  I had stopped at the shop when it first opened about a year and a half ago.  I was unimpressed then and my opinion has not changed.  I'm not sure what I was looking for, if anything, but I didn't find it!  They had only one reproduction sampler in the shop and nothing remotely primitive.  They told me that primitive was not popular.  I am amazed how things have changed since I was an avid stitcher (20-30 years ago).  There are so many choices of linens and threads.  The price of charts ~ OH MY!  I remember  buying the Prairie Schooler annual Santa for fifty cents or a dollar.  Now they are $5.50!!!  OUCH!!! 

I would like to thank everyone who helped or offered to help me add an email link on my sidebar.  I got it done thanks to you!  (And it actually works!)

Not much else is going on.  Yesterday's snow storm sort of fizzled (yeah!) and we only got about half of what was predicted and today it is starting to melt away.

I enlisted a totally unbiased helper to choose the winners in my worm give-away.  She took her job very seriously :)

Congratulations to Lulu and Susan from Glen Oaks Primitives. Please send me your address so I can get your worms sent.  Thanks to all who entered!

Pug hugs :)


  1. Sometimes you just need to go home and crawl under a blanket for a few days.
    This time of year there are so many viruses around. Hope you are on the mend.

  2. Oh, my gosh! Now I can start hooking!
    Thank you so much, Lauren.

  3. Sorry you're not feeling well. Kim is right, sometimes you just have to sleep off whatever it is that you catch. I hope it's just a 1-2 day bug and you get rid of it soon.
    Thanks again for having the giveaway!
    I just emailed you.

  4. It is good to recharge now and again. Primitive not popular? what? where have I been?

  5. Sometimes we just need to have nothing days. I've gone back to bed after getting dad's breakfast, for the last two mornings. I still don't think I'm caught up on all the sleep I need tho!

  6. obviously that shop owner doesn't read blogs or websites..... primitive has never been more popular!
    Hope you get your pep and energy back..... I swear we all should go hibernate until Spring! LOL!
    Love the help you had drawing the winners! Was there a doggy treat in there?
    Cathy G

  7. Congrats to the winners and your little helper looked like she knew exactly what she was doing!
    Hope you are feeling better really soon :)

  8. Congratulations on wasting a day! Sometimes I think we just need to do that. I loved the pictures of your puggy helper assisting in the drawing for your give-away.

  9. So I just become wild about primitives and they're now passe. Really.
    Feel better soon!

  10. Hi Lauren,
    I sure hope you are feeling better today!
    Even though you THINK you wasted a day (maybe two) you really didn't - you needed the rest your body took...I'm not a napper, nor do I lay down just to's go, go, go...but when i do lay down and even sleep, then you know I don't feel just take those days as healing days.
    Glad you got your problem fixed with the e-mails.
    Now what in the world was the lady thinking saying that Primitive isn't popular...what world does she live in...I classify SAMPLERS as VERY PRIM...goodness sakes they started way back when!!!


  11. I laughed when you said the lady at the cross stitch shop said primitive isn't popular. We hear that all the time at our shows--and then they buy a piece from us AND we sell hundreds and hundreds of pieces a year!! If she has none, how does she know it won't sell?? Hope you feel better soon--sometimes we just need extra rest.
    Keep warm--Jan-Life on Buttermilk Hill

  12. Hope you're doing better.
    Congratulations to your winners!

  13. Hi Lauren~

    Hope you're feeling better. Congrats to the winners in your wooly worm giveaway.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  14. You know, if you're body is telling you to slow down then taking naps and not doing much of anything is good. I hope that you're feeling better now!

  15. lauren, thats the way i feel, like i wasted today...trying to figure out stuff on the computer...oh well tomorrow is another day. it sounds like you probley need the rest tho lauren.! tomorrows another day! i love primative and its sure not in up north here either. people just dont know what they are missing! love your little helper.

  16. Lauren, we all have those days, pull the covers over your head and recharge your batteries. Tomorrow is another day. There are not many, if any, shops in my area offering primitive stitchery, on line is the best resource. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

  17. I hope you are feeling better! Sometimes it is o.k. to rest. Our Bodies just need that! It does sound like you got a few things done and the one I liked is the girls getting a nail trim. Wish I could trim Mr Pudge's nails! Will have to go in somewhere soon!

  18. Congratulations to the Winners!
    Love your little helper.

  19. Congratulations to Lulu and Susan!! Whoa...sure missed the boat on this one - that's ok though - I have wool, I have hook, I have pattern - I just can't seem to get at it! Love your little helper - you sure there wasn't actually butter in there?? ;o) Hope you're felling better....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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