Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tuba Christmas ~

Don't forget to Google Tuba Christmas and see if there is one in your area.  Last year I blogged about it here.  It really is a fun event, especially if you've never been to one.  You just won't believe how many different kinds of tubas there are!  I had forgotten Jake went with us and just recently he mentioned how much fun it was and he wanted to go again.  If you go, be sure to take some jingle bells.  Check out this You Tube video of Tuba Christmas at Rockefeller Center in 2008.

I'm still decorating (and will be for quite a while yet) and will have lots more to share with you.  Thank you so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. That's amazing....I bet the music is unbelievably festive! Love the photo of Jake with the jingle bells....Glad you're decorating - I'm pulling a few things willy nilly as I change out loads of laundry - but the cats and pumpkins are diminishing a bit.... ;o) Happy Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Oh, that's a lot of tubas.

    I can't wait to see more of your Christmas decorations. I haven't added anything more to mine as it's been a very busy week with 4 new calves born since Wednesday.

    Take care and happy decorating. JB

  3. It does look fun. Still decorating? You are like a decorating demon! :)

  4. your decorations are so much like mine I can't wait to see more. The tuba christmas looks fun. But no concerts this year for us. I bet that cute red headed Jake just can't wait for Christmas.

  5. That was a cool video, I've never seen or heard an all tuba band or concert before. Thanks.

  6. I have awarded you the Liebster Blog award! You are such a joy to follow! Elaine


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)