Monday, December 5, 2011

More Christmas and a Thank You ~

A big thank you to Elaine at Wool Stitches and More who presented me with this award.  It's German for I love you.  I feel honored that she chose me.  I am supposed to choose five blogs and present the award to them to spread the love.  I don't mean to be a party pooper, but I just cannot choose only five blogs to present it to, so I will be selfish and keep it to myself.  Please stop by Elaine's blog and say hi to a fellow hooker :)

Tonight I feel as if I've been spinning my wheels and getting nothing done.  I did get a few more things done, but my decorating list is still quite long.  Here are a few more pictures.  As you can see, I still have not mastered the "less is more" style of decorating.  The snowmen are sitting on a doily that my grandma crocheted decades ago.

Two vintage snowmen ~ gifts from a dear friend.

Celluloid reindeer.

Pretty scary to think that decorations from my youth are now considered vintage . . . lol!  {These are not ones I had as a child, but ones I've purchased over the years.}

The Santa in the back is embossed paper ~ marked Germany.  The bottle brush tree is also vintage.

Pug hugs :)


  1. Love love love your santas they are so sweet and vintage. I am with you I remember gettig candy in the santas in my stocking.

  2. Wonderful Christmas goodies!
    Love your Santas.

  3. Hi Lauren, Everything looks great and the best decorations are from good friends.Happy Holidays!

  4. Santas and snowpeople...perfect. What a grand collection.

  5. Hi Lauren It all looks so pretty! Love Santas! Did you get my email about the necklaces? Not sure if it went through Rhonda

  6. Congrats on the award! I thought it was impossible to choose the 5 blogs...that's why I went with folks who were just starting out! ~grin~
    I love seeing all of your collections...they are such fun. They look great all grouped together. Have a fab day!

  7. Love all your vintage christmas.Everytime I see it out and about I think of Blessings!~Amy

  8. Good Morning Lauren~

    Love all your goodies!! Your Snowmen & Santas are fabulous!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  9. Hi Lauren,
    I sure love looking at your decorations, you have accumulated quite the holiday collection. Congratulations on your blog award, the "Dearest" or "Sweetheart" Blog Award was sure sent to the right person!!!!!

  10. Congratulations Lauren!! A very well-deserved honor - but I know it would be impossible to choose 5 to pass it on to..... And I so understand your issues with the "less is more" quandary. I drool over the homes with the simple "colonial" style of decorating - and it's all over once I start opening those boxes. Really - how could one NOT display and love all those vintage treasures you have. I say decorate on!! ;o) Hope you're having a great Tuesday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Gurlfren, you sure do go all out for the holidays. And I used to... now I'll go to your blog to enjoy the holidays when I'm not at my son's house.

  12. Congratulations Lauren on your award. I wouldn't be able to choose either.

    Your vintage decorations are all wonderful. It brings back lots of fond memories of Christmas past. Just keep spreading them all through your house. Christmas Cheers. JB

  13. Love your collections. I say more more not less less. LOL! I love the hunt for old treasures too.

  14. Always a joy to see your beloved christmas collections come out on display Lauren. I *KNOW* you are enjoying the season. Cheers! Mel


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