Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Tis the Season ~

A big thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind comments regarding Eema.  They mean so much to me and Dolly.  I appreciate each and every one.  
* * *
I am knee deep in Christmas boxes.  I am trying to simplify ~ rather unsuccessfully I might add.  Many of my decorations are gifts and as I unpack them, memories come back and I have a hard time not putting them out.  Annie has been helping me.  Yesterday I brought a 3' tree down from the attic.  I had left the silicone lights and old glass bead garlands on the tree.  Next thing I know Annie has stolen one of the bulbs and is chewing on it.  Now I don't know if I can blame her, but I then discovered half the lights were not working.  I removed them from the tree along with the glass garlands.  One of the strands of garland broke with glass beads flying everywhere and as I'm trying to pick them up, Annie is stealing them.  Thankfully she let me retrieve the one she had in her mouth (without biting me!) before she had a mouthful of glass.  Today I was at the store buying some silicone caulk because I really wanted silicone lights on the tree.  So in between trying to decorate and working on hooked Christmas presents, I am dipping bulbs in caulk.
One of my little repro feather trees.  I cross stitched the piece under it 20+ years ago.

A favorite Santa ~ made in 1990 by Vaillancourt Folk Art.

The first repro feather tree I bought MANY years ago.  The samplers are antique reproductions that I stitched in the 80's and early 90's.

Celluloid Santa and reindeer.

More celluloid Santas and reindeer.

A flock of vintage German woolly sheep.

Vintage glass Santa ornament on yet another feather tree ~ this one old.

I am SO HAPPY to report that my picture downloading problem has been solved.  WOO HOO!  It dawned on me that my problems began when I got my new camera and my DSO figured out that the setting I was using was taking HUGE pictures that were just too large to download easily. 
Thank you so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren everything looks beautiful! I especially love the samplers.

  2. You have great Christmas decorations, Lauren!!

  3. I love everything Lauren! The photo with your feather tree and the samplers behind would be a wonderful card. I bought my first putz sheep at the antique show in Arthur. I love your collection of them. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Lori

  4. Lauren, your Christmas ornaments are just so beautiful and bring back sweet old memories. What treasures you have. It looks like it belongs on a magazine cover. I love the samplers too. You are a great decorator.

    I'm sorry that your bead garland broke and i hope that you can fix it. Wishing you a great weekend. JB

  5. Such wonderful are getting me in a holiday mood!

  6. I love your decorations they are so beautiful. I would like to know more about the dipping the christmas lights I have bought them, never made them. Now why have I not heard this before?

  7. Lauren love all the old nostalgic pieces you collect.I have some old santa's in cases in the bedroom was talking to hubby the other day why we don't display them...Drooled for five minutes at the putz sheep picture..LOVE..the old sheep.I do have a few but the always stop me in my tracks.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. Hand over the vintage sheep and nobody gets hurt!

  9. All your lovely pictures are making me excited to get my Christmas decorations out!! I think this weekend is a good time to start...

  10. You have the most beautiful collection of Christmas ornaments. Its true that it is hard to downsize holiday decorations because so many of them are wrapped up in old memories.

  11. You have a wonderful collection of beautiful vintage pieces! I love them all!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  12. Always love your decorating and your collections! Such cool items!

  13. Hi Lauren~

    Lovely decorations. Love all your samplers!!

    I think Annie is just trying to help you decorate for the season.

    Have a beautiful day~Becky

  14. Oh I'm so where you're at....I look at all those who have simplified and just gone with naturals and greens tucked in amongst their regular decor and think that's what I'll do - but it only takes peeking in one box and I'm back at it. You're right - so many gifts, so many memories. That's what makes it hard for me to downsize my decorations as well. I have every ornament or collectible my hubby, my family, my secretaries or anyone every gave me.....But I have to say Missy Lauren - you have some of the most amazing Christmas decorations I have ever seen....I love each and every thing - and what an incredible gift you have for displaying them....Love the feather trees - and your Santas - and we all know I'm a Putz sheep addict....and those samplers!! OH MY!!! Ok - gotta go wipe up the drool and get on with my day....Happy December my friend....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful. I think I have one Vaillanicourt Santa. They are so well done and your Santa on the pig is precious! It all looks so perfect together with the sampler backdrop. Sorry about your little Eema. It's always hard to lose a beloved pet but I hope the knowledge that you gave her the best life possible eases the pain. ~Roberta

  16. Everything looks great. I have that same Vailancourt santa on the pig piece you have. Isn't it soooo cool??? I always loved that one. I like collecting their pieces but the prices have stopped me from buying too much anymore. They really went up in price. Love it though. Your house looks all Christmasy!!


  17. So festive!! I never do anything out here and it's so sad because I used to love to decorate for Christmas.

  18. Lauren, what a wonderful Santa collection, LOVE THEM! OLM

  19. Awesome!
    I love your trees, santas sheep...
    Oh heck I love it all!

  20. Lauren, I stitched the same "O Tannenbaum" piece way back. I framed mine in a barn board frame, but I really like what you did with the piece using it as a mat.Love your feather tree & sheep. Thanks for sharing. ~Ann


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)