Thursday, December 15, 2011

Patriotic Christmas ~

With Thanksgiving being so early this year, I thought for once I'd have a stress free time getting ready for Christmas.  I should have known better.  Most of the decorating is done but I still have not done anything with the banister or the bookshelves on either side of the fireplace.  The cards are not mailed ~ heck, they are not even written :)  I still have shopping and wrapping to do and two hooked mats to finish.  Oh, and two more packages to mail.  Yikes!  I think I'm in trouble!
* * * * *
Tonight I thought I'd share my patriotic Christmas decorations with you.  My stairs leading to the second floor make a 90 degree turn and each year all my patriotic items are displayed on this little landing.

Some of my favorite ornaments.

This guy is one of my absolute favorites!

Santas, nutcrackers and Uncle Sam atop an antique cupboard.

In a small antique cupboard.

Today was grandson Jake's Christmas program at school.  I was able to take part of the afternoon off work to attend.  They sang a half dozen songs and he smiled through the entire performance.  What fun to see the joy on the children's faces.

I really need to pull a few loops before the evening is totally over.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren,
    What an adorable picture of Jake at his Christmas program! The little girl in the back is a cutie too!
    Glad you were able to take off work to go!
    Your Christmas decor just keeps getting better and better! Hang in there..... you have plenty of time before Christmas to get everything done! :-)
    Cathy G

  2. As far behind as you might be, I'm more behinder. (And that's not a good thing no matter how you look at it....) ;o) Love your patriotic collection. You've got a golden touch I tell ya....What a cutie that little Jake is - his smile is just contagious.....Wishing you (and me) luck pulling it all together for the "Big Day...." Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Hi, Lauren,
    The Patriotic tree and figures on and in the antique cupboards are the prettiest things I've seen in a while. What a marvelous theme to use with Christmas. The salt glaze stoneware crock holding the tree is the perfect complement to the red/white/blue.
    Merry Christmas

  4. Lauren,
    Jake sure is adorable.
    Love that smile!

    And love the tree.
    I usually do an Americana tree in my bedroom.
    This year I decided to do something different.
    But your post and wonderful tree has me reconsidering that decision. :)


  5. What a great collection of patriotic Christmas decorations! What an adorable picture of Jake and that little girl giggling behind him....priceless!

  6. First I have to say Jake looks so proud up there, memories that will be with you forever.

    I LOVE your U.S.A tree... I am so proud to be an American and so proud of our troops. I put one up all summer long just for them and for them men and woman that lost their life to save ours, and for their families.

    I LOVE your Christmas tree..AWESOME!

    Another great post.

    Christmas Blessings,

  7. Love your red white and blue.
    don't stress if all doesn't get done you will still enjoy the day with family.
    Love Jakes sweet face now that is what it's all about.

  8. Boy that Jake is a charmer...but you can see that he's grown a bit in this picture!!

    I am starting a little mat tomorrow for a present I need to send soon. Why can't I just go buy something? Why do we insist it must be handmade? Why don't I do this in the summer when I'm home all day? Maybe we all should have a big summer Christmas making rally next year...then we'll be ahead!! Although, the way it sounds, we may just get caught up from this Christmas in July '12!

    Love the patriotic tree and all it's goodies!

  9. Yep wondering were summer went still.Really we are almost to Christmas?So not ready.Jake just adorable.I love those childrens programs.The excitement bubbles over.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  10. LOVE those pictures as usual!! Jake and his classmates are adorable!

  11. Jake is a cutie pie; I just love the pictures of kids when they lose their front teeth and grin. I've a picture like that of my grandson and love it.

    Great patriotic Christmas ornaments... and I think I spied a grand elephant ! ! ! !

  12. Jake is adorable! Love your patriotic decorations! Merry Christmas,Jen

  13. Cannot believe all the Christmas decorations you have!! That grandson is just a cutie!

  14. Nice! I adore all your patriotic holiday decorations! And what a cute picture of the missing front teeth.

  15. I Love your patriotic decorations.Everything looks beautiful! Jake looks so sweet.

  16. Hi Lauren~

    Jake sure is a cutie!! Love all your patriotic decor!! I would love to have an Americana tree like yours.

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  17. Lauren, I didn't realize how far behind I was in reading your blog! YIKES!!! Love the picture of many wonderful deocrations...But I love all the plastic Santa's & Snowmen! I have a weakness for them too! OLM

  18. Love your patriotic Christmas decorations!!

  19. Just have to smile..wonderful decorations, love the older Santa. I too have a gs named Jake...and your Jake reminds me so much of my two brothers in coloring and grin! Merry Christmas Lauren!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)