Sunday, December 11, 2011

More Christmas ~

More of my Christmas.  I really have put out less than in previous years, but I definitely have not "simplified".

On my upstairs landing . . .

In the living room.  All three samplers are antique.

A little tree in the kitchen set in an old butter crock.  The lights are the tiny rice lights that I dipped in silicone.  All the ornaments are old figural light bulbs.

In the downstairs bath, decorated with both vintage and new glass ornaments.  I made the candy canes several years ago.

In the dining room.

I love my light up plastic Santas!

Yesterday Ohio Pug Rescue was set up a dog event.  I was hoping Annie would find her forever home, but it was not meant to be :(
Meet Fred.  He was the coolest bulldog I've ever seen.  So laid back and friendly.  He was a big boy!

How would you like a derriere this size?

An OPR pug, but I don't remember his name.  He was so content sitting on a lap, people and dog watching.

This is Ruby.  She was adopted from OPR about two years ago.  Look at the white tips on her paws. 

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was good.  I got some things done, ran some errands, hooked a little (still must finish that Christmas present!), but of course did not get all done that I had hoped.  I never do . . . sigh!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your decorations are great...I could barely get it together to get the tree up. I wish I could work less and bring in more does that work, anyway? LOL
    I need to dye wool, make jam out of frozen berries from the summer, make a squash soup from a gifted squash...and I don't even get off
    for vacation until the end of the day on the 23rd! Love the doggy pics, as usual!!

  2. Hello! I want to applaud you for the rescue work that you so tirelessly perform. I love the pugs and my daughter has two Boston Terriers, but we think one has Pug in him.
    (he's awfully homely but so darn cute)
    I am interested in adopting Fred, the bulldog in the top photo.
    Please let me know what I would have to do to adopt him.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan Burns

  3. Love all of your wonderful decorations!The tree in your landing is my favorite,I think.Those are beautiful samplers too.Enjoyed the pics of the pups too,such sweeties.Hugs,Jen

  4. I'm sorry that I got so caught up in Annie and Fred that I forgot to compliment you on your decorations. They are lovely. I especially love the vintage plastic light-up Santa.
    What a treasure!

  5. Everything looks sooo wonderful!
    I love all you gorgeous trees!
    I love that you also enjoy collecting vintage Christmas.
    Here's hoping you Never Simplify!
    I love seeing all your goodies too much. ;)

  6. It's looking very festive with all the lovely trees and their ornaments. I love seeing all the pictures of your Christmas collection. Thank you so much for sharing. With the wild kitties, I just can't put up ANYTHING, but I sure enjoy yours!
    At least pugs don't climb trees! Or do they....?

  7. Lauren, your vintage decorated trees are all beautiful. It looks like something you would see in a primitive magazine. I like the idea of spreading decorations all through the house.

    I hope that you can find a good home for Annie soon.
    I like the dogs showing their best holiday outfit. That Fred is a big boy.

    I hope that you have a great week and get much accomplished this week, stay safe and warm. JB

  8. Oh Lauren - me thinks me could move into your gorgeous home with all its fineries and be one content old crow. I absolutely love everything I see. You have the most amazing decorations and collections. This time, though, those wonderful samplers stole my heart. What treasures you have!! And - oh, poor Annie Banannie...what's up with that?? I think she's darling - and I'm not really a "pug" gal!!! (I sorta prefer those Shih Tzu underbites to the tongue thing....) ;o) But she's such a doll.....She must like it at your place way too much and isn't on her best behavior in circumstances where she could find a new home??? Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. It's so fun looking at your vintage pieces Lauren! LOVE the samplers! The season goes by so quickly so take time and enjoy those decorations!
    I think Annie just wants to hang out at your place for Christmas and see all the lighted Santas!
    Warm wishes and hugs!
    Cathy G

  10. Hi Lauren~

    Love seeing your Christmas decor. It is all so beautiful.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  11. Can't believe all the decorating you do!!! Come out here to AZ and decorate for me!!!
    Happy Tails!!

  12. I love all your fabulous decorations. It must take a huge amount of time to set everything up, but I expect that it is a labor of love, so fun to look at when you are finished.

    Wonderful puggie pics, too...and Fred is magnificent.

  13. I would love a butt that size, seeing as I have none to speak of!! Your decorations are really festive and nice!

  14. The Christmas decorating you do looks so nice!I love everything, How fun to wake up in the morning on Christmas day and see your lovely home with such Christmas spirit.

  15. Your home looks beautiful! Melissa is always bragging on it! Your trees and antiques look just perfect together. I really love those samplers too!! When can I come to your house..LOL!

  16. Oh, how lovely your decorations appear, I especially love your plastic vintage santa, it is hard to find them these days. I just love the idea of decorating with small trees spread throughout the house, vintage, tinsel, primitive, twig, I love them all. Sending greetings, Julie.

  17. Hi Lauren,
    your house looks so inviting ... want company?
    If you have the time and energy for all that decoration ... than go for it ... More really is more.
    Sorry about Annie ... but I'm sure she will find a great forever home ...
    Have a wonderful week.

  18. Your decorations are beautiful! I wish I was that out-going this year with decorations.

    Those pups are so lovable! I wish I could give each & everyone a big hug & kiss!

  19. Hi Lauren.... Your decorations Wow!!! They looks so primitive. You are very talented to arrange them just so to make it look like an old-fashioned Christmas.... I love to visit blogs with pictures of antique ornaments, brings back loads of memories...
    Take care,


  20. Lauren - love your decorations! So cool!

    I've had trouble posting comments the past few days. Hopefully this comes through. I posted some pics on my blog of some things I'd made.

    Hope all is well with you!



Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)