Saturday, December 17, 2011

Date Night ~

Tonight was date night with my favorite redhead.  We started the evening with a visit with Santa . . .

. . . and ended it with a movie.  At the end of the movie, he turned to me and said, "That was good!".  It was very cute.

We had our first snow of the season.  I didn't even know it was supposed to snow, and we received several inches.  I think it will all melt tomorrow ~ and that's okay with me.  They say if you don't like the weather in Ohio, stick around for a day and it will change.  Thursday evening the weather was nice enough for my son to go for a motorcycle ride and today the snowplows are out.  Welcome to Ohio :)

Thank you so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren~

    Love that little redhead's smile!!

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  2. Ha! That's what they say about the weather here - and it's so very true!! ;o) Love the photos of Jake and Santa - that last one - oh my heck - what were those two discussing??! ;o) Wishing you a joy-filled Sunday....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Did Jake give Santa an ear full? LOL!! SO CUTE! Well Lauren it's really okay if you want to hog all the snow over there in Ohio!! I'd like a LITTLE for Christmas though if you can spare any! LOL!
    Cathy G

  4. I've got to say it again...Jake does look taller to me! He is such a fetching lad with that bright smile. I'll bet he's a good date!! Hope his Santa wishes come true...I like it when they still believe. Have a good Sunday!

  5. sounds about like Florida weather.LOL!! those grandsons are something else aren't they? Merry hristmas!!! Denise

  6. Looks like you had the perfect date!!! What a handsome young man too!!

    We say the same thing about the weather here in New England - only we say just wait a MINUTE and it will change!!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!! Hugs!!

  7. His smile is the best. What fun to have a date night.

  8. What a great date night! Love the pics!

  9. Aww what a wonderful date!!! Jake is so adorable!

  10. Happy Sunday Lauren,
    I always get a big smile when I see that little red head come up on your blog. He's just the cutest.
    Glad your date night went well and he

    Blessings and Merry Christmas

  11. What a cute picture of Jake and Santa! I loved it, Hugs Cheri

  12. That some smile, such a cute little fellow, and "God Bless Us Everyone!".
    Merry Christmas!

  13. The little fellow didn't look too sure about Santa at first, and
    then that big grin!
    Children are the truest blessings.
    Merry Christmas,

  14. Gee, Jake and Santa seemed to be sharing a pretty funny joke! Great photos and love those 2 big smiles - they were contagious.

  15. Thanks for sharing that magical moment with us. I hope that Jake gets what's on his list for Christmas.
    I'd love to be a believing child again. Love that toothless smile. JB

  16. Thanks for sharing that magical moment with us. I hope that Jake gets what's on his list for Christmas.
    I'd love to be a believing child again. Love that toothless smile. JB

  17. Looks like you had a great date night with Jake.

  18. Your "date" is sure a cutie!

    We are supposed to get some of that four-letter "S" word tomorrow night...sigh...I guess it will seem more "Christmasy!"

  19. A toothless smile melts my heart everytime! No snow here in Maine, but baby it is cold outside, it is "long john" weather!

  20. Handsome fella, your date. Lauren, you can keep the snow thank you! We had enough these last two winters to last me a lifetime.



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