Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lucky ME!

I was one of the lucky winners of Joanne's most generous give-away!  {Be sure to check out her blog.  It's always a fun place to visit.  She is a very prolific hooker and she has the sweetest kitties.}   Look at the wonderful hooked pillow I received in today's mail.  Woo hoo!  It is wonderful and something I can display all winter long.  THANK YOU JOANNE and a big thank you to her furbaby Jonesy who picked my name.  I think he deserves an extra treat (or two!).

I love how the snowflakes are dimensional.  It looks like she used yarn and made a French knot.  {Am I correct, Joanne?}

I also have a couple of finishes to share with you.  I've finished the pumpkin mat that I started at the ATHA biennial in Maria Barton's class.  Maria has the sweetest patterns.  You can see them all on her website, Star Rug Company.  {I prefer to think I am ahead for next Halloween, not that I missed this year's.} 

The rooster is another Christmas gift.

I'm not quite sure what I am doing with this mat, other than the dog.  I'm sure it will be something rather simple ~ and it better be quick :)

I had plans to hook yet one more mat, but it's not going to happen!
Thank you so much for stopping by.  I do appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings.
Pug hugs :)


  1. congrats on the win and the finishes. You are a hooking machine for sure.

  2. Hi Lauren,
    I'm getting behind on commenting on all the wonderful blog postings! Your Christmas decorations are always so fun to see ( like going into a great antique shop.... of which we are lacking in this area!) Love the pillow from Joanne! I was a lucky winner too and am watching my mail for that package!
    Love your Halloween Rug! Adorable pattern and your hooking is fab!
    Is the little dog an ornament? I know the feeling I don't think all my ideas are gonna get done before Christmas...... there's always next year I hope!
    Cathy G

  3. Congratulations, Lauren, on winning the great hooked pillow!

    Your pumpkin rug is the!

    You always receive (and give, I might add from experience :) ) such great surprises in the mail!!!

  4. I love that pillow by Joann, I totally missed that on her blog. Love your other rugs too.

  5. Hi Lauren~

    Love the pillow from Joanne!! It's beautiful!!

    Your finishes are lovely!! Love your pumpkin!!

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  6. Yes Lauren - you are right! At the time I didn't have a "stash" - it was made in 2004 - my third (well 4th - the first doesn't count) project in the hooking world ever - If I did it now I would probably use wool and try to french knot them! LOL So happy Jonesy was good to you - He's special to me so of course he gets plenty of hooks and treats! Enjoy!

  7. Lauren, What a great prize and oh yes your on a rughooking roll.

  8. That's a great pillow, I'm happy you won! I like your work, it looks great!

  9. Congratulations on your wonderful win! I love looking at all the beautiful rugs you post on your blog. And, of course, I adore all the pug news and pics. What a great spot to visit. Will we be seeing pugs wearing Santa beards soon? Ha!

  10. Wow, lucky you, the pillow is awesome!!

  11. That's a great hooked snowman pillow you have there! Joanne hooks beautifully! You're making wonderful progress on your hooked gifts too!

  12. Lauren~ Congrats to you! Love the pumpkin.Boy you'll be so far ahead for next year Blessings!~Amy

  13. Love the rooster mat!!!

    The kitties did a good job of picking winners for Joanne's give-away. Isn't that a cute pillow.

    I wish you and my Mom could meet someday. You both have some of the most amazing vintage Christmas items. She also has a huge collection and you two seem to like the same sort of decorations. I hope she gets to come to my place over the holidays so I can show her the pictures of your Santas, etc. (she doesn't have a computer)

  14. Congrats! Love the pillow. Any of those rugs you've done and don't know what to do with, please feel free to give them to me. :)

  15. What a wonderful win on the pillow. Since my DIL loves snowmen there is no way I'd let her go in your house.

    Your finished piece is lovely and the recipient should be very happy with it. And, love your dog which is in progress and thanks for showing the wool you are using to hook him. That wool is just perfect for the dog and makes me want to start a dog too but heck, I still have so many projects in the works that I'd better finish them before I start yet another.

  16. Well dang...... I completely forgot to tell you how adorable your pumpkin mat turned out. I don't think Shari has finished hers yet because she has been so busy filling orders for Santa and elves.

  17. Lauren that snowman pillow is so cute. Looks like it is hooked right into it? I would like to try that someday. How about a get together in the future for a group to try that?
    All of your own pieces are wonderful as well.

  18. I love that pillow. I have never tried hooking right through the wool but it makes a great effect. And those swirly pumpkin eyes are so darn cute.

  19. Thanks for showing off your winning from Joanne. What a spectacular snowman pillow just in time for Christmas.
    I would like to know how to make a similar pillow, hooked right into the wool.

    Your rooster and pumpkin mats are both cute and your dog mat is coming along well.

    Stay warm and cosy today. It's wet and windy over here. JB

  20. Congratulations, Lauren, on a wonderful win! Adorable little pillow - and couldn't have gone to anyone sweeter. And oh, I'm all kinds of in love with that Halloween mat you did - loved it when you first showed us the workshop class and you finished it up beautifully. (Is that MY Christmas present???) JUST KIDDING!!! Sweet little rooster too. And you better not ask about those stupid cats! ;o) Smiles & Hooky Hugs ~ Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)