Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A New Blog & a Few More Rugs ~

Hooker friend Melissa has finally started her blog.  Please stop by and give her a big hooker welcome (non-hookers welcome, too).  I'm sure she'd love if you became a follower!  She has hooked some amazing rugs in the four short years she has been hooking that she will be sharing with us.  I'm jealous.  Please stop by EverThyne and say hi!
Blogger is still giving me fits uploading photos.  Today the first four uploaded in a matter of seconds.  It then took at least an hour for the next three before I finally gave up.  Here's more rugs from the ATHA Biennial rug show.  If blogger ever cooperates, I will have a few more to share.


Pug hugs :)


  1. Great rugs, once again. I love the one of the historic house.
    Glad you are still trying to post pictures even though Blogger is being a pain. They are sooo worth it!

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous, rugs....just make me drool (and feel very inadequate....) Thanks for being patient and keeping on keeping on trying to upload these photos for us....truly, truly, enjoying something I'll likely never get to experience. Will definitely be paying Melissa a visit....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Hi Lauren, Thanks for sharing so many wonderful pics lately. Very inspiring. Take care. Lisa

  4. Beautiful rugs Lauren..................I love the Santa.

  5. Lauren, Those are beautiful. I am so happy you shared your experience with us.Cheri

  6. Hi Lauren~

    The rugs are beautiful. Such talented people!!

    Off to check out Melissa's blog.

    Have a great weekend~Becky


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)