Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween ~ ~ ~


Some of my longtime readers may remember seeing my Halloween decorations (but if you have CRS like I do, you may not . . . lol!), but I thought I would share some of them for all my newer followers.
I have a very eclectic collection ~ some new, some vintage, some hand made and some imported.
Witchy was a gift a friend.

Vintage paper mache pumpkins and witch.  I thought they were pretty pricey when I bought them (except the pumpkin on the right was bought at a tag sale years ago in a bag with plastic pumpkins for only $4 ~ woo hoo!), but now prices are sky high!

These are also vintage.

Vintage tambourine and noise makers.

Cats ~ mostly imported.

Another gift from a friend.


Gourds I painted a few years ago.

My mom did beautiful ceramic work.  This is my favorite Halloween piece she made for me.

She also painted the spider, cat and pumpkin.  They all have music boxes that play the "Death March", though ironically all the batteries are dead . . . lol.

Another piece from mom.  I will treasure these always!

A paper towel ghost I made 20+ years ago.  The pumpkin picture behind the ghost was a gift from Karen at My Colonial Home.

Black feather tree.

My favorite trick-or-treater.

Isn't Loocie just too cute?  She was so good while candy was being passed out and received many compliments on her costume.  Annie, on the other hand, barked the entire time.

I hope you got more tricks than treats this Halloween.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What an amazing collection of Halloween memorabilla. I love it, from vintage to the precious pieces created by your mom. Loocie looks just adorable. Winslow Homer is a barker too, I buckle him in my car, he things he's going ridie to Walmart! Happy Halloween!

  2. I love your vintage pumpkins! Loocie looks cute. Your gourds are really nicely painted.No trick or treaters yet, Cheri

  3. Wow, you really go all out on the decorations. I hope the cute spiderman got lots of treats.

  4. your decorations are beautiful!!! denise

  5. Wow...this sort of gave me chills....It was like looking at my decorations - the papier mache pumpkins; the noisemakers; the tambourines; and I have that same "imported" JOL with the party hat...and made the same exact paper towel ghost (what a booger that was to make!) Are we like twins from a different mother? ;o) Smiles & Halloween Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Lovely collection of vintage Halloween decorations!
    Those paper mache pumpkins are a rare treat.
    Loocie looks adorable!\
    And who could that be in the Spiderman suit???

  7. You have quite an extensive and wonderful Halloween collection. Boy don't I wish I had some of those vintage pieces, they look to be in great condition too.

  8. Wonderul collection Lauren! My pups weren't so good with the bell ringing and goblins alot of barking.Happy Halloween!~Amy

  9. Hi Lauren, Just love your decorations. It is fun to dress the house up for special occasions. I love Loocie's outfit - Guess Annie was just scared. Eloise also just barks when the kids come.

    I hope that this comment takes! Blogger and I are still at odds!

  10. Loocie is adorable in her costume!!! That's quite a Halloween collection you've got there!

  11. Love your stuff! Your mom was VERY Talented--see where you get it from!

    Ms. Loocie is just too too cute!

  12. What a lovely collection of Halloween treasures you have! And I love the pic of Loocie in her costume.

  13. Lauren, what a "wow" collection. The special ones from your Mom were lovely. I may have to put some old newspapers to use...I've been thinking of it, but you just gave me the right incentive! Hope you had a wonderful Boo day! Lee/WV

  14. Wow Lauren, You have quite a collection of cool Halloween decorations. I think that it would be fun to visit your place.

    I also had lots of Halloween ceramics molds but never made anything for myself. Just too busy teaching and pouring greenware. JB


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