Monday, November 7, 2011

A Few New Treasures ~

I just realized as I came back to finish this post that it is #400.  I just don't understand.  I don't consider myself a chatty person, so how could I have blogged so often?  I really enjoy blogging, sharing a bit about me, family, friends, crafting, and of course the pugs.  I think this milestone calls for a give-away and I will have one soon ~ I promise!
Here are the treasures I came home with.  Nothing too exciting here ~ a brown canning crock, a white ironstone bowl, the yellow ware butter crock minus the lid and the sweet little cookie cutter.

Many years ago when I first started buying antiques, I always wanted to come home with something.  It was usually a cookie cutter or a wooden butter paddle.  It's been a long time since I've bought a cookie cutter, but I couldn't resist the little kitty.  It is only about 2 1/2" tall.  I think I will enlarge it a bit and make a small hooked mat. 

Here is my real treasure.  I've wanted one of these for ages . . . in fact I bought one in the spring that wasn't as old as this one (the shop owner thought this one might be late 19th century) but gave it away as a birthday gift.  I'm not yet sure where it will end up, but I will eventually find the perfect spot for it.


Dear friend Wink gifted me with an early Christmas present.  She is the person who introduced me to feather edge 25+ years ago.  You can see a big part of my collection here.  I have never seen a plate with this edge.  It is also stamped Riley and I do not recall seeing that mark before.  It is in pristine condition.  What a perfect gift from the dearest of friends. 

As Alice pointed out, my blog buddies are enablers!  Everyone says I should make the trip to get the pie safe.  I wish I could share a picture but I did not take one :(  It really isn't that exciting but would be the perfect piece to store wool.  The Tahoe is out of town until Saturday so if I want to get it, I may have to come up with Plan B.  HHHMMMM.  My son has a truck but can it make the five hour trip?  I think I'd better find out.  I will keep you posted :)

Thank you so much for stopping by and for all your kind words. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. I have a thing for cookie cutters the ones with the red and green wooden handles. I loooove your butter crock a wooden top on that would be sweet.
    I am so glad you blog Or I might never have met you. congrats on the 400 posts.

  2. Lauren,
    I didn't get a chance to comment on your last post! But I would be another enabler! LOL!! Your speaking to the queen of cupboards and pie safe is never a bad investment. They are perfect for wool storage and oodles of other stuff.
    Hope you figure out some transport! :-)
    Love that little cat cc. A little cc cat mat would be darling!
    Cathy G ps 400 posts! Gosh I thought I talked alot!!

  3. Love all your new finds Lauren - like I said - I think we have spookily similar tastes....That rocking horse really rocks (and I mean ROCKS!!) - Love your gift from Wink too - I went back and checked out your collection - holy feather edge!!! It's gorgeous!!! You are so lucky to have such wonderful areas to display it all in....And...hmmmm...yup, think you could use some more display and storage area for your wool. (Now this enabling stuff - is it truly always a bad thing???) ;o) Happy Tuesday to you Friend.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Hi Lauren,

    Love that butter crock ! Nice finds !

    I hope you find a way to get your pie safe ! Consider it a Christmas gift ~ :o)

    Warm autumn blessings,

  5. I just started an antique cookie cutter collection when I moved to this that cat is calling out to me pretty badly!! So sweet and purr-fect for a little mat. I can't wait to see it. I love the rocking horse too! It's awesome. Great finds! Congrats on the 400th post!

  6. The butter crock is awesome,I'm sure your hubby could make a wood lid for it.Sweet gift from your girlfriend.If your not in love with the wool/pie cupboard I wouldn't worry with it there will be others since it's not supper cheap and in great shape.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  7. I always enjoy your posts. Keep up the good work.

  8. Love the rocking horse!! He would look great on top of a cupboard or in the middle of a table!! Don't wait too long on your cupboard before someone snatches it up!

  9. Morning Lauren,
    What wonderful goodies. I'm assuming you didn't get these at the Simple Goods show...or didn't you go? I think I remember you saying you might go to a different show.

    Love the horse...goodness it's so beautiful.
    What a wonderful early Christmas gift from your friend...


  10. Love all the goodies you found! Especially the cookie cutter, what a cute mat that will make!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Feather to me, and I love it and all your other treasures as well.

  13. Oh Lauren... I love all the goodies, but the yellow ware butter crock... my fave! Have a gret night! OLM

  14. Love your new goodies!! I collect cookie loving that kitty cutter.

  15. Lauren, your feather collection looks impressive and to find another piece must be joyful.

    I too love the prim cat cookie cutter. I don't collect antiques but I look for cheap little treasures to decorate for the holidays. I went shopping late yesterday afternoon and the parking lot was full of seniors as it was senior day at Value Vilage and I still managed to find a few treasures. JB


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)