Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Beach Glass Class ~

Daddy is out of town for a few days so Loocie (even though she technically is half mine) is staying with me and Annie.  I'm trying to convince Annie she needs to be on her best behavior and stop with the "canine google search", but we are only partly successful.
Loocie's favorite spot is on the back of the couch.  She will sleep there for hours on end.  Sleep is what she does best.

Annie, is well, Annie.  We are working on some of her issues, but I think she chooses to be a slow learner.

This evening, Melissa (new blogger EverThyne) and I took a beach glass class at the local metro park.  Dolores has been collecting beach glass for twenty years and making jewelry for three.  Here she is showing us how to drill.  You must drill underwater so the glass does not break.  I was the only one who volunteered to try it.  It was not as easy as I thought it would be!

Here are a few of the more unusual pieces she's found.  On the top right are perfume bottle stoppers, the piece with the flower is a piece of pottery and the small, roundish yellow piece is a marble.  On the bottom right is a piece of safety glass.  You can see the embedded wire.  The blue piece said "bromo" as in bromo seltzer.  The large red piece is extremely rare. 
It was a very informative evening and I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to attend.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It's always fun to learn something new. Glad you had a fun evening.

  2. Wow...that's a new one on me - a beach glass class....So, did you make some jewelry?? And is that you?? Really you??? Looking good...but - intent!! (I think the only other picture I saw of you was with your DSO's airplane...and I'm not sure this looks like the same you!) But that Annie....she always looks the same - and every time a picture of her comes up, I just start laughing. My heck. Have a great Thursday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. you are always so busy! Love the glass and you made me laugh with the dogs. that is what I would like to do best is sleep.

  4. Loocie looks so sweet snoozing!! And how can you not love Annie with that face of hers???

  5. I love beach glass! How wonderful to have taken a class.

    Loocie is looks so comfortable. And your comment about her slow learner choice. All of my pugs, though terribly sweet, have had a stubborn streak, which is really just another way of saying, like Annie, they chose to be "slow learners". They want what they want!

  6. What a cool beach glass class! I love the collection she has...bottle stoppers! I put antique bottle stoppers into house plants to look like garden ornaments. I can't wait to see what you'll do with this new craft! The puggies look so cute, as usual!
    Have a good weekend!


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