Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rug Progress ~

I should be working on Christmas presents, but have not gotten around to drawing out a pattern, so I'm pulling a few loops on the rug I started at the ATHA biennial in a class with Maria Barton.  I have a confession . . . this rug is so not me, but I'm loving it!  What a fun rug.  Lookee, Alice, Maria got me to use purple :)


Can you keep a secret?  I am having a give-away.  I am not announcing it in my title, nor will I remind anyone that I am having one.  Please do not mention this on your blog.  This is for people who are actually reading this post!  As always, entering is simple.  Leave me a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will draw the winner sometime Sunday evening.  In case you are wondering what you can win, it's hookers crack as Kim would call it.  Five pieces of new, off the bolt wool, washed and ready to hook or craft with.  I think each piece measures about 1/4 yard.  Most of it is from Heavens to Betsy and one of the wools came from Searsport Rug Hooking.  I'm not sure if any of it is Rebecca's.  Good luck!

Pug hugs :)


  1. Ohhh my goodness!! Such lovely wools!! Just took my first rug hooking that would be just lovely to hook with!! :) I must rub my little pug for good luck!!
    Big Pug Hugs to you!!

  2. Golly..."hookers crack" indeed! Sign me up!!
    I love the little mat you're working on!

  3. Please sign me up for some of that "hookers crack"! Wow, I really like your pumpkin rug, may I ask, how did you hook his eyes? very interesting. Hope you are enjoying your evening, tis raining cats and dogs here in Maine. Hugs, Julie.

  4. I love the "hookers crack", would love to win it, thanks for the chance.

  5. Hi Lauren - Your little pumpkin rug is SO fun! I love all the different techniques that you used in this - and I think purple is definitely a Halloween color these days! Great job!

  6. Sneaky...I like it. I am so excited. Will luck stuck me twice? Here goes some positive thinking. The wool looks great. Thanks for the chance. Lisa

  7. Lauren, I've already won a give away from you but If I'm allowed please put my name in, I've worked so hard and I'm all tuckered out. I need to get back to hooking soon or I'll burst. I need some hookers crack.

    That wool looks inviting. Your pumpkin is looking mighty happy. Great teeth. JB

  8. Wow.... Hook me up with some of that yummy crack!! :)

  9. oh my goodness what a good incentive to learn rug hooking! please enter my name. denise[]

  10. Oooooeeee...see, there are benefits to procrastination....I KNEW it!! Actually, I'm going through some major withdrawals, and a fix like this just might get me back to my happy zone! I would love to be entered in your awesome giveaway!! And love your lil' pumpkin....You know, you just might get me to reconsider my aversion to purple as well! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Love your pumpkin....and the blog! I think I picked up on your blog from Maria's. Sign me up, awesome wool for the stash. Very generous and kind of you. Take joy.

  12. I love the pumpkin rug, it is adorable, whimsical and the purple makes it even better!!

  13. Lauren, I would love a chance to win the beautiful wool in your giveaway. A secret giveaway is exciting. Your rug is nearly finished, it appears...nicely done!!

  14. Lauren, I'm reading! I would love to win your giveaway.

    Love the purple in your pumpkin rug and I love the rolling technique for his eyes. Can't wait to see it done. ~Ann

  15. Nothing like a green pumpkin to add some flavor to a it!

    and the "hookers crack" would be a great addition to my stash...since I've been on no buy for about forever...

  16. The pumpkin rug is great! It may be out-of-the-box for you, but it is really a cute design with nice colors.
    Thanks for offering all that delightful wool!!! Very generous of you. I can only hope...!

  17. Lauren..........what a wonderful stack of wool. Sign me Up!
    So funny about the purple wool.....I have some that I got from Alice that I need to sneak in somewhere!

  18. I am always reading your blog. I do enjoy it. first comment I have made on anyones blog. Love the wool.

  19. OMgosh what a wonderful give-a-way. Please enter me and I will have my fingers crossed or is that hooked.


  20. Your pumpkin looks great! Perhaps when I have Maria at Punderson in April, she will get me to use purple! Tell Annie and Loocie to pulll my name for the wool!!!


  21. I'm new to your site.Always great to find another hooker.Great job on your latest rug. Maria's whimsical rugs always make me laugh!

  22. Thanks for the nice giveaway. Love the wool and love the photos on your blog. Thanks, Betsy

  23. I read. I love the wool. Sign me up for a chance to win!

  24. Would love to win this wool! I need to get back to hooking! I think some new wool would be the trick!

  25. Hi Lauren....I wear my necklace that you did as a custom order for me 'cause I just just love it and
    'cause I just just love to hook ! Would love more wool crack to add to my stash...and I promise to give it a loving caring home !
    Best regards,
    Carol in Az

  26. Tamera @ Stone Fence CottageNovember 11, 2011 at 10:31 AM

    I love the green color in the pumpkin!!

    Hookers crack--new wool to stroke and fondle....wait I'm supoosed to make something out of all this wool???

  27. I lurve your green pumpkin - I had one this fall on my porch - so pretty. Love the wool selection - I am on my second rug now so I'm a beginner.

  28. Darling pumpkin mat!! Great colors and I love purple in rugs. His teeth are wonderful!

    Pick me for the giveaway. Who doesn't need more wool!

    Thoroughly enjoy your blog, Lauren. In addition to several news sites that I read every day, your blog is part of my daily routine.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Kathleen in Central NJ...on a blustery & chilly Autumn morning

  29. Lauren,
    I feel guilty participating in your give-away since I've won wool on two other blogs recently, Saundra's and Julia's! Give everyone else a better chance to win!! So you don't have to put my name in but I want you to know I read every word in your posts! LOL!
    That Halloween rug is wonderful and wonder if Maria is offering that pattern for sale on her site yet? Have fun with the most generous give-away!!!
    Cathy G

  30. Love your little pumpkin rug! Please enter me in your secret give-away. I always need more wool...guess I'm an addict:)

  31. I am reading this post, as I regularly read your blog. I am a happy hooker. Those are beautiful wools. I also am interested in how you hooked the pumpkin eyes.

  32. Always need more crack Lauren LOL!

    LOVE your design from your class at ATHA. I've not been able to spend much time in blogland lately so I'll have to travel back thru your posts and see what you've been up to. Thanks for entering me in your drawing - Mel

  33. Hmmmm, hookers crack eh? Well, we hookers DO have an addiction to wool, don't we? Count me in.

    Lauren, I LOVE your whimsical pumpkin!!!!!!! Good job.

  34. I love "hookers crack". It was great seeing you at ATHA. Donna

  35. I love the pumpkin rug!! and I should be working on christmas gifts too myself...Jody

  36. I'm "hooked" on hookers crack. Please enter me in your contest!

  37. I would love to add these wools to my small stash. I read your blog and love seeing all the pictures of rugs and pugs!

  38. Lauren, love your very kind give away, got hooked on rughooking during my Wisconsin trip last October and spend the whole evening rughooking and wondering why my suitcase was to small to take everything home. Perhaps I make a little chance to add some to my stash.
    Thanks for the opportunity,
    Hugs from the Netherlands,

  39. I could not find your email, but I would love to be signed up for your hookers crack giveaway.... such lovely wools. I'm always checking your blog as I think your pugs are too cute.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. You just have to grin when you look at your pumpkin! Love the purple and green. I'd like to take her as a teacher sometime. Thank you for the give away...lovely wool. Enjoy your weekend!

  41. Love the rug you are working on! Please enter me in your giveaway!!! What a nice stack of wool! Heaven!

  42. What can I say - don't we all need more wool!!

  43. Yep Lauren, I'm reading! Love your veteran's day post as my hubby is a vet. Would love to win this "crack".....haven't bought wool in a long time. Might be just what I need to get me inspired. I love the 3rd one from the top.....or bottom actually!! Thanks for your generous offer.


  44. Hi Lauren,
    Love your little mat ... the colors are so pleasing ...
    I feel like I have been out of blogland forever ... trying to play catch up on all my favs.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  45. H Lauren, please enter me in your give away. My husband is the hooker but I get the goodies so I can see the wool is yummy and I am sure he could make something fun, just for me..LOL Thanks for the giveaway.. You and I must not live too far apart in the state of Ohio...SANDI R at

  46. Your jack rug is happy! Hey it may be out of your box but it's a fun rug! Hooker's crack - love that expression! You are one generous woman! Whoever wins your give=a-way will be "high" for a while!

  47. What a great rug and Oh those wools look wonderful sign me up. Hugs Cheri

  48. Hi Lauren~

    Lovin that pumpkin rug!! Glad you went out of your comfort zone with that one. It's looking fabulous!!

    Hookers crack~that's a good one. While I would love to win that beautiful wool you are giving away, I better sit this one out. I have so many projects, I would probably just admire it for years & not do anything with it. I would rather it go to someone who will use it to make something beautiful.

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  49. Love your site as you know and the wool looks good.


  50. I love your blog and never have enough time to hook! You are sooo generous in giving away such awesome wools.
    I'm posting as anonymous as my google account wont' recognize me.

    Margaret K
    Lover of all things wool!

  51. Hi Lauren,

    Missed you at Simple Goods show and Porter Library Wednesday....I would love to join your Wool Give Away.....Thresa Muglich Love your blog...T


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)