Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday ~

Here's another little pumpkin mat that I finished a few days ago.  This one will be sent to a friend. 
Tomorrow night is hooking and of course I have nothing ready to hook.  I hate that I do this so often.  I am just not ready to start the big flag that was drawn out by Katie of Kid'l de Divey.  I really need to work on some Christmas gifts.  I shudder to think how quickly the holiday season will be upon us!

I swear this is the face only a mother could love . . . lol!


Sweet Annie is actually a very good girl . . . except for one major issues.  She's a barker and her bark is very high pitched and shrill.  Once she starts barking, there is no stopping her.  Any suggestions?  I tried the squirt bottle but all she does is run from it and keeps barking.  Some days she gets on my last nerve!

I am still having issues leaving comments on some blogs.  Amy from Bumble Bee Lane Cottage was having the same issue on my blog and she suggested the following fix.  After I changed my setting, she was able to leave a comment.  I don't know if it will work for everybody, but it worked for me.  Thanks, Amy!
  • go to your dashboard
  • settings
  • comments
  • change your comment form placement from embedded to pop up window
Thank you so much for stopping by.  If you haven't already done so, be sure to sign up for my give-away.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hey there - no suggestions for barking for you? Maybe she's seeing phantom pugs! Love your little mat - so prim. I'm hoping this ocmment will go thru! I find the same thing lately - some blogs no matter how hard I try and what I do I can't leave a acomment and a couple of other blogs - go right thru! Have a great day Lauren!

  2. Annie is a cutie! Try shaking a can filled with coins or something noisy. It might break her thought process about what she is barking at. What is she barking at?

  3. Oh.....I'm loving your little pumpkin mat....lucky friend! Annie and her tongue just crack me up....Sorry - no help here for barking - but would happy if you share any fixes you find....Our snow dog starts "talking" every night at 7 because that's when he thinks he should get a chew. He shuts up when he gets one, but not until. Woe be the day we run out. As for blogger - yes, there's an interface issue with certain web browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Google, etc.) Amy's fix works, but only for those blogs that change the setting. To fix it so you can comment on everyone's blogs, you will likely have to change browsers. I use Moxilla Firefox for blogging.....Have a great day...Hope you come up with something to hook! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Hi Lauren! We had the same problem with one of our dogs - bark, bark, bark.... The squirt bottle didn't work (he also just ran from it and kept barking), nor did the can of coins.... :(
    I wish I could tell you we found a solution to the problem, but I can't..... we never found one! He was a good boy otherwise, so we just put up with it.....
    Love the pics of Annie -- she does have the sweetest little face....

  5. I don't know if this will help, but when we had our Lucy in puppy class, whenever one of the puppies would start barking, the teacher would have the owner massage the dog's throat. The dogs are not able to bark when you do this--it turns the bark into a low whine. Lucy can be barky and I found that when she starts barking, if I go to her, tell her "quiet" and massage her throat, she will stop. I've noticed that lately, when she starts to bark, there are times I can tell her "quiet" and she will come to me for a throat massage! This doesn't stop the number of times during the day she barks, but it does reduce how long she does it.
    Hope this helps.

  6. Hi, how are you? I am in love with that pumpkin mat design also. I can't wait for the giveaway announcement.
    My daughters Boston Terrier (who has a little Pug heritage) is a barker, too.
    Very protective and sometimes annoying!
    Warm Regards,

  7. Your little pumpkin is sweet. That picture of Annie is how I feel tonight! Lol. We could be twins.

  8. Hi Lauren~

    No advice on the barking issue~sorry!! Hope someone can help you out with that.

    Love your little pumpkin mat!!

    Enjoy your evening~Becky

  9. Another sweet little pumpkin mat for a lucky friend!
    I have two barkers here too! LOL! Nothing short of getting a hold of them to calm them down( like the massage someone mentioned previously) works. You have to trigger something in their brain and stop the habit. It takes patience and work....... but well worth the effort as my nerves aren't what they used to be!
    I am just going to be starting a new mat 15 by 16.... seems like forever since I've hooked and missing it terribly!
    Good luck with Annie!
    Cathy G

  10. Love the pumpkin mat. Hopefully the barking will calm down soon!

  11. Lauren,

    Your posts are part of my daily reading. Love 'em. As for your pug's barking, my brother & s-i-l used to use a lemon, cut in half to keep their yellow lab in line at the dinner table (conveniently, the table was as tall as Bailey which provided ease for stealing entire trays of cookies, roasts, etc). They merely held the lemon up to his nose a few times and that did it. It got to the point in later years, that if Bailey saw my s-i-l cutting a lemon, he'd take off from the kitchen.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)