Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Best Beach Glass Day Ever ~

It was a gorgeous fall day on Ohio's north coast today ~ sunny, warm and slightly breezy.  Since hooking was cancelled, it was the perfect day to go gather black walnuts at the park on the shores of Lake Erie.
I decided to take a quick walk on the beach to check for beach glass.  I hadn't looked for any in many weeks.  I am so glad I decided to make a quick check and and hour plus later I had my best haul of the season.  The lake was quite rough so the waves were churning up many pieces.

I found my first piece of turquoise glass . . .

. . . and also my first bit of red.

Clear glass that has become frosted is the most common that I find.

The green piece on the top is probably the biggest piece of green I've found to date. 

Amber is also quite common.  Lots of broken beer bottles . . . lol!

I also gathered my walnuts ~ just in case I want to make some walnut dye.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Tomorrow evening I will be picking my give~away winner.  Good luck to all.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You got all that glass today? Wow! That's a wonderful bunch of glass!! Yay for you!!!

  2. I wanna play with your glass Lauren!! I'm a very "tactile" person - bet it feels wonderful to the fingers...I've never touched beach glass before....And, really - those are walnuts??? Wow. Guess I've never seen unharvested ones....Have a great tomorrow! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Hi, Lauren, the glass is beutiful, love the turquoise piece. It's walnut harvesting time here as well.

  4. What a wonderful haul of beach glass. Lucky you!

  5. Can't believe you found so much! Really pretty, especially that piece of turquoise.
    Do use the walnuts for baking or just the hulls for dye?

  6. How wonderful you got to go beach combing. and quite a haul also.
    We have had nothing but rain for about 10 days. Can't wait to see the color you get from the black walnuts.

  7. Lauren,
    Your beach glass takes me back to my childhood. We used to look for it on the shores of lake Superior. I just might have to take that up again! Your pieces are so pretty. No walnuts here, lucky you! Hugs, Lori

  8. Thanks for sharing your collection of beach glass, Lauren. How interesting that you have collected so many different colors.

    I would LOVE to be included, please, in your giveaway!!

  9. What a haul!! So pretty :)
    Did the walnuts one time. Too stinky for me in the house!

  10. Lauren~ The glass is pretty.Do you just decorate with it or use it for your jewelry making? I used to gather it when we went to the islands as a child,it was our treasure..smile..

  11. I love all your beach glass! What a great haul you got!
    I need to read up on how to make walnut dye (I tried it on my own once and just made a mess) -- the walnuts from my neighbor's black walnut tree have been pelting our house for weeks now.... and I almost turned a good ankle when I stepped on one the other day. Might as well make some good use out of them!!!
    Have a great day!

  12. So pretty - I never found any beach glass - always look though!

  13. Lauren,
    That beach glass is amazing! What a fun thing to be able to do! I too am learning about what walnuts look like from your post....... are those the same ones they sell in the stores around here nearer to Christmas?
    We don't have walnut trees here as you must have gathered! LOL! Acorns aplenty though! Wonder if they'd make any kind of usable dye?
    Great post!
    Cathy G

  14. Lauren, Such pretty glass you found . . . never really looked for any thing ,so the next time I get to the beach I will keep my eyes open.

  15. Love the sea glass. That sounds like such a nice relaxing time...hunting for glass jewels!

  16. Hi Cathy. Now that I see that great big haul of beach glass, I'm curious if I can find some down by the river in front of our house. Bet you that there should be some down there. The river is still high with the rain we've had lately so I may have to wait.

    I never saw black walnuts with the husk on before but we have butternuts that are similar but smaller. The squirrels love them.
    Have a great week JB

  17. Such lovely glass and I bet it was fun collecting it. We use to have a big walnut tree when I was a lil' girl and boy did I ever have stained hands :)

  18. Hey Lauren! Nice beach glass haul! Do you have any plans for it? Walnuts to dye with... could you email me how you do it? What type of color does it produce?

    Hope to start getting together to hook soon!


  19. wow...awesome beach glass!!! SO I would never have known those are walnut??????
    Love your blog!!!


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