Saturday, October 1, 2011

Time for a Give-Away ~ ~ ~

I am so overdue for a give-away!  I finally finished a little pumpkin mat.  It's about 7 1/2" x 11".  Just a simple table mat for fall.
Entering is easy.  Leave a comment on this post or drop me an email.  (I know blogger is giving some of us fits leaving comments!)   Be sure to put give-away in the subject so I won't miss it.  You don't need to be a follower, but I'd love it if you were.  I will pick a winner Wednesday evening, sometime after 7pm.  You are welcome to post this on your blog, but still only one entry per person.

I know you've seen these rugs many times, but I want to share them again.  Andi from That'll Do Farm took these and the color and sharpness is wonderful.  I want a new camera....waaaaaa :)

I am knee deep in Halloween boxes that have finally been brought down from the attic.  My goal was to have it all done a couple of weeks ago, but it didn't happen :(  I guess I'd better go get busy!
The weather here on Ohio's north coast is absolutely miserable today.  Cold, damp, and windy.  It's not raining at the moment, but we've had plenty of it.  I think the weather to the west of us is much better, so hopefully it will arrive here soon.  The dog event I was supposed to work today was cancelled and so was my grandson's soccer game.  There is a big outdoor antique/fall festival this weekend.  I feel bad for the vendors!
Thanks for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Please enter me in your generous giveaway! Oh how I covet that sweet pumpkin mat :) I'm glad to know that I am not alone putting up Halloween decorations this weekend. The older I get, the more tiring it is (and I'm not that old lol!)But I love the way it looks when I am done.
    Blessings, Patti

  2. Hi Lauren! Please enter me in the give-away for that great pumpkin mat.... I'd love to have it come my way!!

  3. This doesn't seem to be working today.. but I'll try again.

    Pls enter me into your great drawing.

  4. Hi, Lauren. I have been following your blog and would
    like a chance to be entered in your drawing for the
    very pretty Pumpkin Mat. If I win it will be my first
    hooked piece. I want to learn rug hooking and have
    been reading tutorials. I can't wait to try it. I am
    posting this giveaway on my blog sidebar under my
    Prim Giveaways column. Thank you for having the terrific giveaway.
    Warm Regards,

  5. Oh Lauren please enter me in your wonderful giveaway, I would love to offer such a sweet hooked mat a home. Gloomy and rainy here to, blessings Julie.

  6. So....Is it wrong for another hooker to wanna win this adorable hooked mat of yours??? You do such pretty work Lauren - I'd be honored to own a piece of your hooking....So if it's not too wrong, I'd love to be entered in your great giveaway. I've posted to my sidebar as well....

    And...I wanna new camera too if it will make my work look half as good as yours!!

    Smiles & October Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Oh, please enter me in the drawing for cute, cute mat! I love it!

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Trying to get used to this new keyboard, I have to re-do practically every thing I type.
    Wow, those pics are sharp and so good. What kind of camera does she use? I know it's not my fault I can't take good pics, it's the camera's fault!
    Would love to be entered in the drawing, I want to be the proud owner of some of your work!

  9. Lauren, OK I think this will finally work, after the 4th try, what is up with blogger....ugh.... So love this little rug and I am a follower, always love seeing your hooked rugs and pug stories! OLM

  10. Hi Lauren - what a welcome site your mat was on this cold fall day here in central NY. I'd love to win it...please put my name in the hat and thank you so much for the lovely giveaway!

  11. It's cold today in Indiana but blue skies ALL day so hopefully a beautiful day will make it's way to you soon! Am looking forward to getting back to AZ just to hook again!!
    Karen & the Hounds

  12. i love the little pumpkin mat. please enter my name. i've been wanting a hooked mat. some day i'm gonna learn to hook. denise[]

  13. Lauren I would be honored to win your giveaway. It has been a pleasure watching how good you have gotten as a hooker. Your generous heart for the pugs is special too! Thanks for all you do. SUE

  14. Hi Lauren, please enter me in your giveaway. I have never hooked and am interested in learning. I would be honored to own your pumpkin mat.

    Thanks, and have a great day! Becki

  15. It's wonderful! Enter me please!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  16. Lauren,
    Please sign me up! That mat is darling! Would love to have a mat hooked by you sweet friend!
    Thank-you for such a generous give-away!
    Cathy G

  17. Hi Lauren well I feel awful guilty singing up again for one of your give away but I enjoyed doing your cat mat last time that I have to put my name in for the draw again this time even if the mat is already finished. You are most generous. JB

  18. Lauren,
    I just love the little pumpkin mat and would love to have my name entered into your giveaway!!
    It was very cold, windy, and misting light rain down here in the south-western part of Ohio today.

  19. Hello Lauren-
    Love your pumkin mat!
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
    I am a follower.

  20. Cute pumpkin mat!!! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  21. Hi Lauren!! Love the pumpkin mat! Hooking is still on my "bucket list". I have yet to make one! You do such beautiful work!! I would love to entered in your give-away!! Hope the sun finds it's way to you!! Thank you for offering one of your beautiful creations!!
    Pug Hugs to you!!

  22. Very cute little mat, Lauren!! I would love it! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  23. I'd love to win that sweet little mat! I'm loving all pumpkins right about now!

  24. oh, please enter me in your giveaway! i love your little pumpkin mat :)


  25. Lauren~ Love the pumpkin mat.Count me in on the lovely giveaway.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  26. Hi Lauren, what a beautiful pumpkin mat~ please enter me in your generous giveaway. I am a follower of your blog and love reading.

  27. Hi Lauren, How darling is that rug.Yes please enter me in the giveaway.I love your horse great colors. Cheri

  28. I can't remember if I tried and gave up cause Blogger wasn't cooperating ?? But, please enter me... The rug is wonderful !

  29. Please enter me in your giveaway, I love your pumpkin. The other rugs are just wonderful too!

  30. Hi Lauren~

    Love the little pumpkin mat!!

    Have a great evening~Becky

  31. Hi Lauren,
    Love your pumpkin mat. Thanks for the chance to win it!!! So generous.


  32. I love your little pumpkin mat - the colors are wonderful, there's something sweet about a WHITE pumpkin!

  33. How darling is that! I stopped by to drool over your beautiful little rugs..and I would love to be entered in your generous giveaway.

  34. Great pumpkin rug. Please enter me in your giveaway!

  35. Lauren, I would love to be entered in your generous giveaway. I love it, I am so hoping to take a hooking class this winter at our local quilt shop. Good luck with your barker.

  36. Lauren, what a sweet prim pumpkin mat. Please enter me in your giveaway. (I would love to win a pug too! LOL)

  37. Hi Lauren,
    Yep ... blogger ... one thing you can count on, is it screwing up!
    Anyway, LOVE all your mat and I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
    Have a wonderful week.

  38. Hello Lauren, I am a new follower and would love to be entered into your giveaway, your hooked mat is beautiful! I also posted a link to your giveaway at my blog and I found you through Cat Haven Crafts. Love your pug pictures, they are too cute! Thanks for the opportunity, Deb

  39. This fall I have started admiring white pumpkins, so I would love to be entered in your giveaway for this prim mat:) I needle punch, but rug hooking is on my long list of things I want to do. Thanks for having this giveaway.



Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)