Sunday, October 30, 2011

And Yet More from the ATHA Biennial ~

There was so much talent at the rug show.  So many magnificent rugs.  It makes a person want to do nothing but hook, but we all know that is not possible :)

Here are some of my favorite rugs. 
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As you will see in some of the detail pictures, many parts of the rug had dimension.  I cut off just a bit of the top, but down the side it says "memory time can't erase.

I absolutely LOVE this rug.  It is something that would be so much fun to hook, but it was HUGE.  It would take me years to do :)  Very Magdalena Briner-ish.

Isn't this too cute?

I did not take a picture of the entire rug, but WOW!


So soft and old looking.  I wish I could choose colors like this.

This looked like a tapestry.

This rug spoke to me.  It was one of my favorites.  It was probably 4' x 4'.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  (Sorry about the shadows.  The lighting in the room was not the best.)


I hope I haven't bored you with too many rugs.  I have even more to share in another post.
Pug hugs :)


  1. All truly works of art. I am in awe of the talent that has gone into creating these most wonderful rugs. There is the subject matter, color planning, shading, cut, so much more than pulling wool hoops through linen. Love the inspiration. Thank you for taking us along. Blessings, Julie.

  2. Lauren, you could never bore me with showing gorgeous rugs like these. Wow is my first reaction. There are talented hookers out there. That sculptured rug Waldoboro style is awesome.

    Julia from Petals and Wool

  3. Very interesting, not boring. Thanks for sharing your photos!
    Have a great week!

  4. Okay, like you could ever bore us with too many rugs! Is there such a thing?! Love the one with all of the dimension....truly a labor of can just tell by looking at it. They are all so beautiful...thanks for taking time to take the pics and share them with us.

  5. I can't get over the talent and the labor of love that these rugs portray! The sculpted rug is wonderful.... I have a long way to go before my hooking can even begin to compare!
    Thanks Lauren for continuing to show more rugs! I never tire of seeing them!!
    Cathy G

  6. Oh my.....I'm at a loss here....I was going through thinking "THAT'S my favorite" then I'd see the next one....Simply amazing....But I gotta say - the technique in that first one with the Waldoboro has me amazed...I've done some Waldoboro and do NOT enjoy it one whit!! I can imagine the work that went into that....And the schoolhouse one - with all those faces....I haven't taken on one - let alone 43???? No, my dear cannot, will not, ever bore me with photos of wonderously hooked rugs. Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Lauren, Thank You for my wonderful necklace.! I just love it. You are too kind. Also a huge thank you for posting all these pictures. Although, I was there, I didn't see half of these rugs. It is a treat to see them on your blog. Maria

  8. Your pic's are never boring. I am glad that you are willing to share with those of us that don't get to see them in person.

  9. Thank you for sharing! Wish I had been able to go!

  10. Lauren, they should have hired you to take the pictures of the Biennial. You did a Great job! My friend pointed out something very interesting about the first photo. On how the man is the memory in black and white. I didn't even catch it! She also said that it would have been wonderful if people wrote something about their rug if it had meaning as that one most certainly did! I agreed with her. There is always a story behind an original :). Thanks for sharing all the photo's. You did a Great job!

  11. I love the two roosters!I talked to Donna and Karen and they had a great time at Atha.I had to laugh when they said someone knew me LOl


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