Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Underwhelmed ~

Unfortunately I must say I was underwhelmed by my day spent in Waynesville.  There didn't seem to be as many antique shops and many of the shops were filled with imported items.  I also found some shopkeepers to be nothing short of rude.  One shopkeeper spent all her time talking loudly on the phone (I was the only one in the shop) and hardly acknowledged my presence.  At another antique store, the gentleman (I'll be kind) behind the counter was too busy with his computer to even have the courtesy to say hello!  Needless to say, very little of my cash was left in town.
I thought these items made from license plates were really neat. 

Saturday Wink and I headed to a large prim shop in a town not far from her.  There were some wonderful primitive items, but once again many imports.  There were some hooked rugs at the shop that were very poorly made and screamed "import" from a block away, but then there were some very nicely made ones that I was sure were American made.  Boy was I ever fooled!  There was one rug, a geometric, 3' x 5' that was priced $449.  I thought that was a great price for an American made rug.  Guess what?  Made in India!!!
I did come home with this great pumpkin on a bed spring.  Wink bought it for me.  Thank you, dear friend :)


After the prim shop and a yummy lunch, we decided to stop at one antique shop before I headed north.  I'm so glad we stopped because I got a FANTASTIC deal on three clusters of vintage stone fruit grapes.  I was so excited.  I got all three for much less than one bunch normally costs!  I also found some silverplate spoons to make necklaces.  They were more than I wanted to pay, but I figured it was better to buy them than to run out of them.  Then as luck would have it, I found a number of spoons at the local Goodwill for a great price!  I guess I'd better get busy and make some necklaces!


Last evening Katie from Kidl'-de-Divey Woolens had her first hook-in at the Chairmaker and Friends, a shop that recently moved to Vermilion, Ohio.  What a wonderful shop that is.  I could do some serious damage to the pocketbook there.  There were just a couple of us there and Katie was so sweet and gave us some bits of wool.  If you are anywhere near Vermilion, be sure to join in the fun!  I was working on my horse mat (almost done ~ woo hoo!) and Katie was kind enough to draw me a flag pattern that I am going to hook in monochromatic colors. 

As (bad) luck would have it, tonight I broke a tooth that had been repaired years ago.  GGGRRRRR!!!!  I sure hope I can get in to the dentist tomorrow because about every ten seconds, my tongue gravitates to that spot and it is so annoying.
Thanks so much for stopping by and please come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love that license plate piggy. Very unique. I don't blame you for not buying stuff from the rude shop keepers. I wonder how people like that stay in business.

  2. Sounds like you had fun I love your pumpkin.
    and you have another rug hooking group to visit lucky you.

  3. Dear Cathy, sorry about your tooth breaking again and those ignorant shop keepers. I wonder where they get their business from when they show such poor manners to potential clients. They can't be very happy people.

    That pumpkin is very interesting but the pig was my first choice and the rooster of course.

    Better luck on your next antique shopping trip. I know that you will use those grape clusters in some beautiful fall decorations. JB

  4. Sorry, dear Lauren. What was I thinking??? JB

  5. I was in Waynesville today too. I'm sorry you had such a bad time. The town is going through a very bad change. The burning of DerDutchman, and the closing of loads of stores. You were right about that being RUDE! I would have had to have spoken up!

  6. I love the license plate art...especially the pig. I think my wallet would have been jumping out of my purse if I had come face-to-face with it. Too bad about the rudeness though.

  7. Lauren,
    Sorry about your tooth..... I know how the tongue seems to go there automatically! Not fun!
    There is a trend among shopkeepers (esp. antique shops) since the computer age to ignore customers by not being able to turn it off when people enter the store. I better not get started.... LOL!
    Those license plate pieces are great! I love the pumpkin! How sweet of Wink! Can't wait to see the flag mat! And the horse done!! YaY!! I want to hook something in monochromatic colors! ( very hard for me LOL!)
    Cathy G

  8. Oh....those license plate pieces are fun, fun, fun!! We (ha!) built our son a garage/shed/shop for him to do his thing (he's a grease monkey) and there's a ("clean") room in there that we've started a small collection of old auto type memorabilia - I have a small license plate collection started for him - he'd have loved one of those pieces. And your punkin guy from Wink is so, so, dear!! LOVE!! Bummer about the shops tho - I've come across that more and more and talk about pulling my cranky feathers...YIKES!! Yea on the spoons! (Got some inquiries??? ;o) ) Those grapes are awesome - I have looked for YEARS for any stone fruit and have come up, well, fruitless! Lucky you!!! Have a great tomorrow! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. Lauren, The licence plate items are very unique...just when you can't imagine anything fresh and new, huh! Not even acknowledging a customer's presence in your store is beyond rude, shame on them.

    I envy you and others who have lots of rug hooking destinations in your area. We have so few where I live.

    Hope you can see your dentist tomorrow. I've broken teeth and it is not fun, esp. if there is a rough edge left behind.

  10. Love the license plate items! I think I would have brought home the piggy and the rooster! The stone fruit is amazingly realistic! Now fess up... that's how the tooth broke, right.. eating "grapes"? lol! just kidding....

  11. I also love the pig and rooster license plate items. Can't imagine coming home without them! The pumpkin is a hoot - so nice of Wink.

    I find most antique dealers to be indifferent these days. Wonder if it is the economy?

    Sorry about your tooth. Just when everything is going well something always happens to bring us back to earth.

    Take care and hug the pugs!

  12. Yuck about the tooth!!
    Love the piggy!!! So cute!!!
    I've noticed the imports creeping into shops----guess it's cheaper for the shop owners-not that they sell them cheaper--but they make more money then buying from a local crafter. UGH!!!

    Any word on a new pug foster?

  13. Hi Lauren....that's a shame about the shops in Waynesville. I haven't been there for quite awhile but at one time it was THE place to go for antiques and accessories.
    Those license plates are so unique. I envy you having so many places to go rug hooking with some great gals.
    BTW, are you going to Quailcrest Farm this weekend?.......I plan to.

  14. Hi Lauren,
    I just found your blog and became your newest follower.
    I went to Waynesville last week with a friend...and I so agree that there are not as many shops and lots of imports. I lived in Waynesville back in the 80's and had a shop there...and the town is not the same as it was back then. Very sad actually!!
    I have enjoyed reading all about your rugs and pugs. My hubby and I have been giving some thought to become foster parents for the Ohio Yorkie rescue in our area.

  15. I found the license plate pig today (1/27/12) on your blog. I would like to know if you can remember what the shopkeeper was asking for that piece of recent folk art, and anything else about it. I bought a similar piece at an auction in Xenia this week and am curious about "provenance", particularly, who made it and when and how many similar pieces. I can be reached at Thanks in advance

  16. Where was that Pig located and how much was it?


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