Friday, September 9, 2011

Whole Lot of Nuthin' ~

I can't believe another week is over!  I know it was a short work week, but oh did it fly by.  Where is the time going?
For all of you who loved the license plate pig in the last post, I'll just let you know that for only $450 (plus tax, of course), it can be yours.
Tomorrow is Skunkfest in a nearby town, and yes, there will be many skunks in attendance.  It is amazing what a popular festival it is and the number of pet skunks that people have.  There is even Skunk Rescue!  I think I will stick with Pug Rescue.  Tomorrow's weather looks pretty iffy.  I hope it cooperates because there is also the fall festival at Quailcrest Herb Farm in Wooster, Ohio, which is a wonderful outdoor show.
Here's a sampling of my latest project.  I've made these from old silverplate spoons.  These (and more) are being donated to Pug Rescue and hopefully some will sell.  We are always scrounging for money to help the pugsters :)

I made one necklace and some key chains from the handles.

My little horse mat is so close to being finished.  I thought I'd be done already, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.  I plan on it being a Christmas gift and I need to come up with 3 or 4 more quick hooks to give as gifts.  Oh, just not enough hours in the day.  If only I did not need to sleep . . . sigh.  I'm also close on finishing the binding on my proddy sheep rug.  I will share the finished products with you ~ hopefully soon.
I hope your weekend is off to a great start!  I always say a bad weekend at home is better than a good week at work {{grin}}.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love my spoon necklace!! I think it's such a neat craft and love how you can tailor make them for so many different folks! I had a student once who had a pet skunk at home and the mom brought it into school one's very strange when you see someone holding one. Have a super weekend! I've so earned mine this week, and I'm planning on savoring every single minute!

  2. That is one expensive pig... cute but way too costly for my budget.

  3. I love my spoon necklace too. That is one pricey piggy. Think I'll pass - lol.
    When I was young there was a family near our cottage that had pet skunks. But a festival?? Different :)

  4. That is one expensive pig.Our neighbors kids raise a pig for the fair and their live pig is usually auctioned for 500 dollars. Lol Love your spoons.

  5. Skunks are you kidding me?!?!?!?! Who knew! I love your stamped items. I bought a stamp set a while back but have yet to use them. Wish you were nearby so you could teach me! And thanks for the measurements, I think I can make it work!!!

  6. Oh I love the key chains great idea!
    Hope you sell a lot of them I know I love my necklace!

  7. Lauren, I love your spoon necklaces and keychains. How about a tutorial! I know what you mean about time flying by. I just today put out my Fall decorations.

    Can't wait to see your horse rug!

  8. Lauren, your spoons and key chains are just great, I'm sure that they'll go fast. That pig is a bit pricey but I still like the looks of it. No need to own it to appreciate it though.

    You're right, the time goes fast.
    I can't believe, a skunk Festival ??? JB

  9. Love the spoon necklaces and the key chains. I've not heard of the Skunk Festival before. I'm working on vintage style jewelry for the Sauerkraut Festival in Waynesville...only 4 weeks away.

  10. Yikes!! $450??? Really??? Come on!! And - hey - skunk fest sounds like fun - I always wanted a pet skunk growing up - we had racoons, squirrels, fox, everything but a skunk!! And I ADORE that "skunk mom" necklace....Our snow dog has mixed it up with skunks at least 4 times in the past 3 weeks and I hear that one calling my name!!! Love the key chains too - think you have a real thing going here Sweetie!! Happy Weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Oh, I'd love to have a pet skunk!!! I think they'd get along well with cats. In fact, I know friends who feed outdoor cats and the skunks come to the same feeding dish.

    The spoon handles make lovely key rings! I am still wearing and enjoying my hooker necklace. Thank you so much!

  12. Wow! I think that piggy is going to stay where he is! lol! Great job on the necklaces and key rings! They should sell real quick! I agree, so many great things to do and not enough time!

  13. Love the spoons! I'm sure you will sell out (and crossing my fingers, just in case :-D)
    Good luck!

  14. Your spoon necklance and key chains are wonderful...such a great idea for raising money for pug rescue.

    $450! Yikes, no wonder I liked that pig!

    Have a great weekend.

  15. Lauren,
    Those spoon necklaces should sell real fast! Such a good idea to help raise money for those pugsters!! The Skunk Festival sounds like a good time! As a kid I always wanted one as a pet until a rabbit ( close relative) bit me and that did it for me wanting any wild animal for a pet! LOL!
    I am thinking on the tutorial for the finishing on that little pumpkin rug. It's so easy....... just the time to get it ornanized! I know exactly what you mean by needing to sleep.. but lately haven't been able to do that either! LOL!
    Cathy G

  16. Oh I love them!! I have a necklace given to me by Joanne - it reads Prim Betty & has a thimble and key charms attached. Did you make mine? Well, I do just LOVE it!! <3

  17. Hi Lauren~

    I'm finally back on blogger & trying to play catch up. Love your necklaces & keychains.


  18. Lauren, I looveee the necklaces and keychains! Great idea, I'm sure they will sell fast! :) I bet that's a ton of work - not just the hammering, but the cutting, drilling the holes, and you must have to sand(?) the edges somehow! Maybe you ought to make some for wool lovers :D They would FLY!! Have a great day!
    xo Bren


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