Monday, September 5, 2011

Eye Candy ~

I do hope everyone had a wonderful, safe holiday.  The weather in Ohio sure can change quickly.  Two days ago we were sweltering in high temps and humidity, and today it is jeans and sweatshirt weather.  I am NOT ready for summer to end.  As so many others have commented, Labor Day is the unofficial end to summer :(

I took a few pictures at Wink's house that I will share with you.  Many years ago I caught the "antique flu" from her.  We still have the disease :) 
Wink has a great collection of patriotic items.  (Soon they will all be put away to make room for her fall decor.)  I am going to steal this idea from her.  She grouped a collection of cobalt blue bottles and filled them with American flags.

More patriotic items . . .

This is a perforated paper sampler.

Child sized dry sink.

A very small part of her featheredge collection.  She is the one who introduced me to it many years ago.

These are a few of the reproduction samplers I gave her over the years. 


Her first grandbaby, 12 month old Clayton.  Isn't he just too cute?

Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh my... You know I love this collection!
    Wonderful samplers too.

  2. It's so nice to see patriotism like this. I love her flag collection. JB

  3. Her house looks like a wonderful treasure trove - just like yours - You two are two peas in a pod!

  4. Beautiful Americana collection.The grandbaby is drool worthy

  5. I do like that idea of the flags in the cobalt bottles... and I like that small flag umbrella! Very unique! Clayton is a cutie! It's good to be happy!

  6. I love everthing the flags and the samplers which are so wonderful.Clayton is a doll.

  7. I'm so, so, loving this!!! She has some incredible collections! Looks like my kind of gal....Thanks so much for sharing a peek into her wonderful home. And I'm glad to see you give her more than just tacky salt and pepper sets....those samplers are awesome!! I have actually done the two on the lower right myeslef....Weird! I think I could move right in there and feel like I was at home! Hope you have a great week Sweetie! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. What a nice collection, I love the little patriotic umbrella and the sampler collection too. We here in Maine are enjoying warm days and cool nights, I am grateful! Blessings from Maine, Julie.

  9. Love her collection!! Are you going to Malabar this year Lauren? Have a great day!

  10. Wonderful pictures! I'm with you as far as having a case of the antique flu. I hear there is no cure and that it is highly contagious.


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