Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Road Trip ~

Tomorrow my younger son J, grandson Jake and I are heading to Chicago for a long weekend to visit my niece and her family.

Jake is SO looking forward to seeing his cousins Sophia and Alexis.  This picture was taken two summers ago, but I just love it.  It screams "happy kids" to me.

A big thank you to my new followers.  I was stuck at 195 forever and then lost one.  I just picked up a few new.  Woo hoo!  I'm closing in on 200!!!

* * * * *
Please be sure to let those you love know it.  Give them a hug and tell them.  You never know what tomorrow holds.  The wife of a mechanic in our maintenance garage was fine Monday morning, complaining only of a sore leg over the weekend.  Tuesday her funeral was being planned.  She was only 43 and leaves behind not only her husband, but a six year old daughter.  Please say a prayer for them.
* * * * *
Pug hugs :)


  1. what happened! I am so sorry for that family.
    have a great time lots of pictures of jake having fun!

  2. How very tragic, some things you just cannot understand. Sounds similiar to what happened to my next door neighbor's brother. A sore leg, which actually was a blood clot, 40 years old, with a wife and two small children. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

  3. Lauren, that is so terrible. But it is true, we just never know because things can change in an instant.
    Have a great trip. Those are 3 cute little ice cream faces.
    Hugs, Kim

  4. Have a fun weekend. Life is very fragile.

  5. Have fun on your trip!! It will be nice for the cousins to spend time together again -- and for you to see family!
    What sad news about the woman you know -- I just went to the ER with my daughter last week -- she had flown home to NY from Las Vegas on the red eye -- arrived with pain behind her knee. We were worried, as we have heard that that could be the sign of a blood clot from sitting for so long. Thankfully, all was well, but we were relieved to have had it checked out. I pray for this lady's family..... the shock of her death must be totally overwhelming for them....
    Wishes for a happy and safe trip.

  6. Have a wonderful trip - looks like fun - the kids look like they are having a grand time! Thanks for the reminder about life and love!

  7. Hi Lauren,
    That is so tragic and so young! Prayers go out for that family. Indeed we are reminded on a daily basis how fragile life is and precious our time here on earth is.
    You be safe on that upcoming trip to Chicago! Hope it cools down some and you have a good time with the family!
    That Jake is just a cutie in all the photos! Red hair always makes me smile!
    Cathy G

  8. Safe travels, my friend....Hoping you have lots of ice cream kisses. Prayers for your acquaintance and his, so, sad....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. A road trip is always wonderful. Those little ones look so happy with their dripping cones! It would be great to take a current picture just like it and see the growing!

    How sad about your friend and their family. We truly only have today, don't we? And we should try to make the most of it through love.


  10. LOVE that pic of the kids! Jake has a natural way with the camera... love that smile! Enjoy Chicago! Prayers for your friend and his family... what a shock...

  11. Enjoy your trip...hey is that Navy Pier???

    We live 85 miles from Chicago downtown and haven't been there in just years and NEVER been to Navy Pier.

    I've lost a few followers here and there. One day its' such and such and the next you are down one...what happens??? lol


  12. Enjoy your trip to Chicago, I just love it there!! My heart goes out to your friends family!!

  13. Hey Lauren!! Have fun in the windy city...sounds like fun! Melissa and I are going to be at Sauder on Thursday and Friday. I hope we can meet up and maybe do lunch and lots of shopping!

  14. Hey Lauren, Have a great trip to Chicago!! Sounds like a lot of fun to be had by all. Thanks also for the inspiration to remember how precious life is. I just lost a friend in a diving accident. He was my vet, I am saddened and shocked by the whole thing. He was a very experienced diver and my vet since the 1970's....when I first met him at that time he was the new kid on the block. Very young and brittish. He ended up buying the vet office when the original ower passed away and built it up to a 5 vet practice. I NEVER went to any other vet but him for all these years. We are all very sad here. Life changes in a minute, tell the people you love that you love them today! Tomorrow could be too late. Have a great trip!!!

  15. Such a tragic story. You are is so fragile and everything can change in a instant.
    Have a safe and happy trip.

  16. Lauren,

    I hope you are having a great trip! you are in my neck of the woods... probably a hour or so way.....
    So sad about the wife of one of your co-workers..each day is a blessing and we are given no guarantees...sigh... OLM

  17. Sending prayers to the family that suffered such an awful tragedy!
    Have a great time in Chicago! And if you go past the Wrigley Building, Be sure to wave to me - that is where I work :)
    And just a quick tip... if you would like to go on a short boat ride on the Chicago River, the Wendella Water Taxi is $2 for a 12 minute trip between the Wrigley Building and the train stations. You can make the round trip for $4 - such a deal! A big hit with my boys when they were little and just long enough to keep their interest.
    Blessings, Patti

  18. Hi Lauren~

    Enjoy your trip to Chicago. My heart goes out to the mechanic's family. Saying a prayer for them.



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