Sunday, July 31, 2011

Honolulu ~

Nope.  I'm not going to Honolulu (though I would love to!).
Meet Honolulu.  July's pug naming theme was capital cities.  I chose Honolulu so she could simply be my Lulu :)
Lulu is a 6 year old owner surrender.  The guy that surrendered her and her pug sister Juneau was having a bad week.  Within one week, his divorce was final, he surrendered his two pugs and his house was being foreclosed on.  If it weren't for bad luck, he'd have no luck at all.  Thankfully he contacted Ohio Pug Rescue and at least he knows that his girls will be well cared for and loved!
Pugs are known for their heavy breathing and gasping, but Lulu is the worst I've had.  She's currently sleeping by my feet and I think it's the first time today she's not gasping ~ breathing heavy but not gasping.  Poor dear.  Her whole life has been turned upside down.  There is some concern that she and Juneau are "bonded" and if either shows signs of distress because of the separation, they will be reunited in foster care and would only be adopted out as a pair.


Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a cutie! I hope the sisters are happy and find wonderful forever homes! I also wish good things for their former owner -- how sad that he had to give away his little friends.
    Enjoy Lulu!!

  2. What a cutie - here's hoping that gentlemen gets back on his feet soon and maybe can take his babies back - i'm sure LuLu will feel at home in no time

  3. Oh Lulu looks precious!! I hope both of the dogs are ok being separated. So sad.

  4. My heart goes out to these little pups. How awful that the two have to be separated. I hope that they can get adopted together. But, at least for now, Lulu will be in such a great place with you!

  5. With all the other losses, it must have been a terrible decision to also have to give up his animal companions. They are supposed to be our comfort when all else fails!
    I guess it was good sense if he couldn't take care of them properly to give them over to foster care and adoption.
    She's a cutie! I hope she works out well for you.

  6. such a sad story. never easy to surrender pets. you get these poor dogs pretty regular so you are never much with out a pet.

  7. That is a sad story. That poor man he is lucky that he found you. I hope you find a good home for those two.Your a really good animal lover to help all these sweet pugs.

  8. My best wishes and prayers go out to Lulu and Juneau's dad, and for them finding their forever homes. Lulu is super cute! I like her extra-wrinkly head : )

  9. Hi Lauren~

    Lulu looks so sweet!! I'm sure she will have a fabulous time with you until she goes to her forever home.

    Have a wonderful week~Becky

  10. Awwww....Sweet Lulu!! She's a cutie pie! Too bad she has to be separated from her sissy...Is the gasping and especially heavy breathing a sign of stress? Poor baby - I'm sure you'll have her acclimated (and spoiled) in no time. Best of luck with your new house guest! Hope your week is off to a good start! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Oh how sweet. I just love her. i hope they will not be separated. Wish i could adopt every abandoned animal out there. I have a very old pit bull who was raised with cats. She is just sweet. I have had her since she was three weeks old.

  12. Such a sad story! I sure hope that the owner finds peace in his life and that the girls find a forever home together.Hugs.Jen

  13. Lulu is a cutie pie! I couldn't imagine giving up my dog, so my heart goes out to him. She is in a good place though!

  14. OMGosh that poor man...what a horrible life he's having at the moment but you know what...he has a brain that can reason and will go on with life and find new things...BUT POOR uprooted as well as her sister...poor babies.


  15. Hi Lauren,
    I almost missed this post! OMG! I hope all is well with LuLu! How sad that her Dad had to give her up. This economy is proving rough on people and that trickles down to pets. We are all affected in some way or another. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Bless your heart Lauren and know that good thoughts are being sent your way!
    She sure looks like a sweetheart!
    Cathy G


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