Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lincoln Park Zoo ~

Yesterday we took a trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.  Here's Jake with his cousins Sophia and Alexis who reside in Chicago.  As soon as we entered the zoo, they wanted to take a little train ride.

Here they are checking out the sea lions.


Jake's favorite exhibit at the zoo was the polar bear.  Mine too:)

I don't remember the name of this bear.

The kids loved the "smashed" pennies that they could make at the zoo.  Actually, the first coin is a smashed quarter.  I had never seen it done with quarters before.  The kids loved smashing the coins and it is a very inexpensive souvenir to remember their day at the zoo.

The Chicago skyline as seen from the zoo.  That's the Hancock Building in the background.

My son J and Jake.

Jake really loves his cousins!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. They sure looked like they were having fun. Jakes smile is infectious.

  2. Hi Lauren~

    Looks like a nice relaxing day with family. Lovin that toothless smile!! Too cute!!

    Enjoy your evening~Becky

  3. Awww...thanks for the Jake fix, Lauren...That red hair and toothless grin gets me every time!! Glad you had a good memory-making day....But one of these times you're gonna have to catch a picture of your son SMILING or at least PRETENDING he's having fun!!! Such a serious fellow, yes??? Hope you have a wonderful Sunday Sweetie....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. That is a great picture of the three of them. I have such happy memories of summer fun with cousins. They will too, for sure!

  5. It's nice that the cousins can get together and enjoy each other's company. And going to the zoo is sooo much fun! Those are the happy memories of childhood.

  6. Tamera @Stone Fence says:
    Looks like you had a great time!!

    I swear Jake is so cute and so "all-boy"---he needs to be in commercials or something!

  7. what fun. I love the picture of the three of them.

  8. Hi Lauren - so glad you had a great trip to Chi town. I love the rear view picture. That should be blown up and framed! Jake is some CUTIE!

  9. What a fun day! I'm with you....that polar bear is absolutely majestic!

  10. What a wonderful trip! Wish you could have gotten down to Indianapolis so we could 'hook' up!!

  11. Jake is adorable! Glad you had a fun day together. :)

  12. Lauren, great pics of the kids and the polar bears. What a great day. It's so nice when kids know their cousins. What a nice family picture of Jake and his Dad

  13. Love the polar bear, I don't believe I have ever seen one up close and in person. Good to see happy smiling faces having fun!

  14. Priceless. My little red-headed boy has grown up to be a big man. What memories your pictures brought back.


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