Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Mumblings ~

Happy, happy birthday to my #1 bad boy, Bill.  Here he is all decked out in his mining gear.  Exploring mines in Nevada and California is a favorite past time of his.  I can't believe he is 32.  Geez, if he's that old, what does that make me?

Our trip home from Chicago was thankfully uneventful.  Son J drove the entire trip home so I got to work on a little punch needle piece I started on the trip out.  It rained about 75% of the way home and I was hoping the rain would make it to Ohio, but unfortunately it did not :(

Even though I am working on a fall piece, I am not wishing that it gets here anytime soon.  Oh, how the days are already changing!  It is now dark in the morning when I walk the dog and by 9 pm, it's quite dark.  The crickets are getting noisier and I am seeing more grasshoppers ~ definitely signs of fall on Ohio's north coast.

While I was in Chicago, Lulu spent the time with DSO Fritz and Loocie.  She and Loocie had "words" a couple of times.  These pugs can be as bad as kids!  She seems to be settling in and is a bit calmer.  She is now allowed to sleep in bed and today I left her uncrated when I went to work and she seems to have done just fine.  She hates when I leave, but hated the crate even more.  In a few more days when she is off her ear meds, she will be put on the ready to adopt list. 

Thank you so much for stopping by and a big THANK YOU to all my new followers.  
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, I love your new punchneedle design. I'm with you about Fall. It is my favorite time of year, but here in Illinois, winter weather comes much too quickly and Fall is way too short!

  2. Love the punchneedle you are working on! Looks like it will be great when it is finished. Wish I could work on things in the car, but it makes me too dizzy.....

    I try so hard to enjoy each season -- seems like I'm always wishing it was the opposite -- when it's so hot like it's been, I think "winter isn't so bad, after all!" When it's winter, I think I can't wait till warmer weather. Ugggghhhhh -- never happy! So I'm working hard on enjoying everything I can from each season. We'll see how it goes.....!

    Happy Birthday to your son -- my oldest will be 32 in October -- how can that be???!!!!

    Love those puppies of your's!!

  3. lucky you all your new followers. Happy Birthday to son #1. Love your punched needle. and like you I am not ready for fall.

  4. Hi Lauren~

    Love your new punch needle piece. Happy Birthday to your son. The time sure does fly by doesn't it?? It seems like just yesterday my boys were toddling around & now they're 16 & 19.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  5. Happy Birthday to your Bill! Adventurous like his Mom!
    Love your new punch needle piece! I can see the changes here too in the air and subtle things that speak of Fall...... all too fast! I think we've been too busy and hot to enjoy summer! Time to slow down I guess.
    Glad LuLu is settling in! She sure looks happy!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Cathy G

  6. WooHoo!! Happy, happy, birthday Bill!!! Glad you have one that smiles (you know I just have to jerk J's chain!!) And such a fun smile Bill has....and a cool hobby!! (And, hey - I'm thinking if your oldest son is older than mine, you must be older than me too! Hah!! ;o))) Glad you made it home safely, but sorry the rain didn't follow....I'm with you....I adore fall and everything it brings ('cept winter), but our summers are too, too, short to wish away...especially this one...and I can smell autumn on the breeze....makes me want to reach for a sweatshirt and make soup - and it's too, too, early!! Glad Lulu is making progress...but she better not be messing with Loocie!! Great punch piece...didn't realize we shared that hobby in common as well...Wish I could do crafts in the car....just too ADHD for that I guess - and now, I'm having a hard time even remembering when I have been a passenger in a car!! ;o) Have a great week Girlfriend!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. My SIL gave me a punch needle kit to try. Haven't got to it yet. Love yours!!!

  8. I'm always ready for do enjoy every season though each holds it's own joys.Love the pumpkin rug.I never put the one I won from the calender girls giveaway up.It's displayed on my slant desk.Have a great week!~Amy

  9. Happy Birthday to Bill! I love the mining hobby--very cool.

    That's a great punch needle piece. I was just talking with a friend about punch needle. She was telling me of a class she took at the Rug Hooking Shop that's near me. I'm so tempted...what's one more hobby?

    Sophie and Gus are having words a bit too. He almost got it in the nose this morning for cornering her! Silly doggie.

  10. Wow! Exploring mines...what a cool passion! The rain did make it here....I tried to get a few pics of some big wall clouds, but haven't looked to see how they turned out yet.

  11. Lauren - so glad you made it home safely. Happy Birthday to Bill. Your kids are young compared to mine. Hope that makes you feel better! Love ya'

  12. Hi Lauren, What a adventure to go exploring in caves! I went to Carlsbad Caverns once. What a cave. I love your punch needle and I wish it was fall . I am tired of the heat.

  13. Happy Birthday to your Son - if he's 32 - that just makes you VERY young when you had him - You look like you could be his sister! What fun - exploring mines! Love your PN piece - and glad the kids survived being together!

  14. Love that pumpkin punch needle! I've noticed the seasons beginning to changes to... crickets, less light and getting cooler! I'm looking forward to cooler so that I can be comfortable hooking a rug again! lol! Happy Birthday to Bill! Glad Lulu is getting comfortable...


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