Friday, August 26, 2011

Another Eema update ~

Last night was hooking at That'll Do Farm, and since Eema lives not ten minutes from the Farm, I stopped in for a little visit.  Mom Dolly is such a dear and always has a treat for me.  Last evening it was strawberry shortcake with ice cream.  YUM!  Thanks, Dolly.
Eema likes to sit on the cool bricks behind the wood burning stove.

Here she is playing with her "mousie".

Mousie is no match for Eema.

Hiding in the corner guarding her prize.
Eema is still doing well and shows no signs of distress!!!  She is still my chunky monkey :)


Here is her pug sister Cher who was also adopted from Ohio Pug Rescue.

I didn't take any pictures last night at the Farm, but it was nice to sit, hook and chat.  Andrea had lots of goodies for us, so after the shortcake, potato chips (with black pepper) and decadent brownies I should not have been surprised that the scale hated me this morning.
Pug(less) hugs :)


  1. Eema looks so happy. I love hearing the updates on your babies.

  2. Boy she looks grand...happy and smiley! You're making me hungry with all the talk of dessert!

  3. Eema looks like she living the good life and enjoying it. Thanks for the update.
    A nice decadent piece of brownie would taste so nice right now. I have nothing to go with my tea right now. Have a great weekend. Hugs, JB

  4. I'm glad Eema is not showing signs of distress! Let's hope that she continues to be her happy little self. The cats are amazed! They didn't know pugs played with mousies.

  5. Eema sure looks happy! And well taken care of. Glad she is in good hands Lauren!
    I know how those scales can be so obnoxious sometimes..... maybe it's because they get ignored so much LOL!
    Cathy G

  6. Eema is looking adorable, as usual!

    My sisters and I have begun a group diet. One husband is also participating. In a little over a month he has lost 25 lbs. and she has lost 12. Another sister has lost 18 lbs, another 13 and I (started a little later) have lost 10 lbs. The amazing thing is that it is not hard to do at all. I am amazed that it is this easy. We are following a book called "The 17 Day Diet", by Dr. Mike Moreno.

  7. So happy to hear Eema is doing so well - she's adorable!

  8. Your chunky monkey is looking better than ever!! So glad she is feeling well - and, gee - mousies for pugs?? Really??? My kitties are a wee bit jealous!! Desserts sound so, so, good right about now - and all I'm left with is peanut M&Ms and a mallo cup.....guess they'll do! ;o) Any new fosters on the horizon??? Or is Loocie enjoying her kingdom all to herself too much??? Wishing you a scale-free and happy weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. She looks good. so glad you got to visit.

  10. Eema looks so happy and content, it's wonderful that you can see her at times :) Too cute with her toy!

  11. Aww, Eema looks very happy! She IS a chunky monkey!!

  12. Lauren, everytime I see that darling little face, I turn to mush on the inside. She looks wonderful! Dolly must be a super person to take such good care of her.
    Eloise sends greetings to Eema (of course, she is under the bed because Irene is coming)!!!!!

  13. Oh Lauren, Emma is so sweet - she remembers you doesn't she??? I would think so anyway. Glad she's settled in and happy. She's smiling!

    I'd be a happy camper with all those goodies...and I think you were


  14. Eema looks like one happy gal and well adjusted too. So you don't feel alone, my scale never likes me either, day or night, it does not matter! Hugs from Maine, Julie.

  15. Hi Lauren,
    So glad to hear the Eema update ... She is just way to cute with that mouse.
    Love your horse mat ... I haven't been able to comment on blogs for quite some time now ... Still reading tho ... Gotta love google.
    Have a great week ...


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