Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More Sauder Rugs and an update on a Pug ~

If you are tired of seeing rugs from the show at Sauder, skip this post but please stop by another time :)

This is a rug by Donna Hrkman.  Unbelievable is the adjective that comes to mind.

A close up.

This rug was also at the show last year but I just had to show it again.  It is one of the most moving rugs I have ever seen.  Also hooked by Donna.

Jenny Rupp had a featured exhibit.  Sorry, but this picture would not turn for me.

I wish I had a clearer picture of this rug.  I love it!

More of Jenny's rugs.

And yet another special exhibit.

A couple miscellaneous rugs.

I'm sure many of you will recognize April's rug.

Last rug today but certainly not least.  I LOVE this rug!  It just makes me smile.  (I bet Tammy will like it, too.)

* * *

I received an email from Lulu's new dad today and I am so happy to report that she is doing GREAT and has settled in nicely and gets along just fine with Baloo her 10 year old pug sister.  Woo hoo!  Another Ohio Pug Rescue success story!

* * *

Thanks for stopping by!
Pug(less) hugs :)


  1. Glad to see all the rugs again here - it's so hard to take it all in with the walk through that I do. I've been hooking all week with my new stash of wool. ~Ann

  2. Lauren - You're so lucky to have seen all these beautiful rugs in person - thanks for sharing the photos with us who live to far away to attend.

    BTW - do you know if Donna Hrkmann has a blog?

  3. Never tire of seeing rugs and it's the next best thing if you can't be there! So happy for Lulu!

  4. Amazing!!! I also love looking at these works of art. Wow!

  5. Glad to hear Lulu is doing well. I lOVE the rug with Basset and his ears blowing in the wind.

  6. Oh wow, Lauren...amazing rugs - how fortunate you are to see these in person. That first one is just absolutely amazing!! I have seen that pumpkin one before and actually have the pattern - am hoping to do it some day (if those welcome cats don't wear out their welcome and would kindly get their furry butts off my hooking frame!!) And love the last two too! Oh heck - what am I talking about? They're all amazing and sometimes make me think I should just give up on this hooking stuff...I'll never be half as talented as these folk are!! Thanks for sharing! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. PS - so glad to hear Lulu is getting on so well...Somehow, I figured she would! :o) Robin

  8. Absolutely breathtaking rugs....thank you so much for sharing! So glad LuLu is doing so good in her new home.

  9. So good to hear Lulu is happy in her new home...and I love that rug too...

  10. Thanks so much for sharing the photos. Without people such as you and your generousity, so many of us would not be able to see these beautiful rugs. I know you have to take time away from just enjoying your visit and wory. about getting good shots. Thank you for doing it.

    And I love hearing about another great pug placement! Kudos!!


  11. Amazing use of color on those portrait rugs, isn't it? I can't imagine having that ability. Thank you, Lauren, for posting the pictures.

    I'm so glad that Lulu is happily adjusting to her new forever family.

  12. Lauren, I am just amazed at the work on these rugs. Especially the portraits.......unbelievable!
    I really like the one of the old soldier.

  13. Lauren - the rugs are wonderful! I was glad to see "The Old Soldier again - great rug! So happy for Lulu and you - another good placement. Hoping to see you in Lancaster.

  14. Lauren that first rug is breath takingly beautiful. Such talent...

    I'm glad that Lulu is adjusting to her new owner. JB

  15. Lauren, so happy to hear Miss Lulu has settled in nicely with her new forever family. You do such a wonderful and priceless service in regards to dogs in need. The hooked rugs in your post are truly amazing, I enjoyed viewing each and every one, I never tire at viewing such wonderful artwork. Blessings, Julie.

  16. those rugs are amazing what wonderful inspiration.

  17. I never get tired of looking at other's work. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Hi Lauren~

    Love the rugs!! So glad Lulu is doing great in her new home!!

    Enjoy your weekend~Becky

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