Friday, July 29, 2011

Wascally Wabbit Wug ~

. . . er, I mean rug.  I've made considerable progress on my folky rabbit rug.  Last night was hooking at That'll Do Farm. When I got there, Andrea was sitting on the porch chatting with knitter Pam.  I guess Pam is not fond of hookers, because she immediately left . . . lol!  I did not bring much cut wool and forgot my cutter, so I wasn't able to get much done.  Andrea hooks with a 6 cut and does not have a wide cutterhead.  She is working on her sheep and sunflower rug and I neglected to get the camera out until we went to the barns. 

I believe they have 24 alpaca on the farm with several more on the way.  They are just too cute!

Some of the babies ~

LOVE that toothy grin (and wearing part of din-din)!

Of course we had to stop by and visit the sheep.  Andrea picked some fresh greens from the garden and you would have thought they hadn't eaten in a week!  

Sunday I should have my new furbaby, a 6 year old fawn female.  I'm anxious to meet her.
Have a great weekend!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your pics make me want to rub all of those furry little heads.....and perhaps rub those silky looking sheeps ears between my fingers!

  2. Those alpaca are adorable! Love your rug. Can't wait to see it finished.

  3. That rabbit rug is great! How fun to see all the alpacas and the sheep. I love spinning's so soft!

  4. Love the bunny rug! Sorry that Heidi missed the Sit-n-Hook, as she has some big cutter blades. I'd like to meet your new baby, as well! Don't you think Andrea needs a Dog-n-Hook day?

  5. Oh what fun!!!!! You have so much fun Lauren! Sweet faces on those Alpaca - too cute.


  6. Precious wabbit! Those alpaca are too cute. Hooking at the farm sounds fun.

  7. Your rug is coming along nicely Lauren. Those alpacas are too cute, thanks for sharing and hope to see you soon.

  8. Well, I think you weally captured that wascal's wascally personality and charm, Miss Lauren. (Great, now I'm going to talking like Elmer Fudd all day...) ;o) Looking good!! Love the alpaca (but hope you didn't get spit upon!) - they're just such characters....but, ahhhh...the sheep our my favs.... Can't wait to meet your new furbaby....Any more updates on Mo's adjustment??? Hope you have a great week ahead! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. Luv your wabbit wug! The alpacas look like overstuffed toys, they and the sheep were sweet.

    Perhaps by this time of the day you've received your new fur baby. In all honesty, I don't know how you and the other wonderful people who do what you do for resuce can do it. I saw how affected Diego was when he left Bella here. He was the driver to brought Bella from the Poconos and would go daily to pick her up and take her to his home, walk with her so that she would have a life and socialize until she was adopted. When Diego said goodbye to her he had tears and she kissed him all over his face, it was if she knew that was the last she would see him. OMG, here I have tears in my eyes now.

    You deserve a huge hug for what you do.

  10. Tamera @StoneFence said:
    love the rug!! The alpaca's and sheep are so cute!

    Can't wait to meet the new furbaby!!

  11. Ahhhhhh! How cute. I had a busy week just saw the post and I love your rug


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