Wednesday, July 27, 2011

More Blooms ~

I don't have a whole lot to share
but just wanted to stop by and say hi to everyone.
I had an opthamology appointment
this afternoon
and still can't see too good :(
* * *
There is still lots blooming in the gardens
and I thought I'd share a few pics with you.

Last evening I did an adoption for OPR.
Francine was fostering for the the first time.
Eleven year old Zither
stole her heart
and she decided to adopt him.
In rescue parlance,
that is known as a foster failure.
Doesn't he have the cutest
Count Dracula smile?

Thanks so much for stopping by!
I can't believe another week is almost done.
I especially can't believe that it is
almost August!!!
Unlike many of you,
I am NOT READY for fall.
Summer, please don't leave me.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What is that last flower picture?? It looks like a purple jellyfish. The only good thing about August is it's my vacation! 1 more work day....

  2. Such good news for Zither! I too am not in a hurry for Fall, I'm getting to the age where I want to savor each and everyday. Your flowers are beautiful, such lovely colors. Have a great week, Julie.

  3. Hi Lauren~

    Lovely flowers!! Hooray for Zither!!

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  4. Oh, what a cute little thing that Zither is!! I would have adopted him, too!
    Your flowers are beautiful -- I don't know what happened to mine, but they are not doing well at all this year. Thanks for sharing your's with us!

  5. such pretty flowers I have a whole wall I love them because they last so long.
    I am with you please summer slow down I haven't gotten in all the fun yet.

  6. I'm with you Lauren - as much as I LOVE fall, I'm not ready for it yet - seems like we only started our summer here....Besides, I have to save up my complaining for the snow and cold that will follow so I can go into a full-blown rant. Your flowers are gorgeous - love the hydrangea and allium especially. And is that last one a passion flower??? Beautiful....Yea for Zither....I think! He does have a vampire appeal to him!! Smiles & Hugs - and Happy Thursday! Robin

  7. Great flower pics! Spring, Summer and Fall are all good... it's that ol' man Winter that could go on permanent vacation and I would not miss him one bit...

  8. You have a beautiful garden. I'm not ready for fall at all. In fact, I'm having school anxiety like crazy. New job and all! I really do love the season, though. That Zither would make me a foster failure for sure!

  9. Foster 'failure' would have been a problem here too! Happy Forever Home, Zither!
    the flowers are amazing! You must be getting some rain?
    Hope your appt. goes well!

  10. Your garden looks GREAT!!! Good news about Zither ~ I love that name!!!

  11. Hi Lauren...........once again I just love your flower pics. gee, you sure do take good ones.
    Maybe foster failure but better yet...adoption success!

  12. Tamera at Stonce Fence says:

    Your flowers are gorgeous!!
    And Zither-OMG--he is too cute!

  13. what a darling little pug!!! great flowers too!!!

  14. Your flowers are gorgeous! So happy for Zither and I know what it's like to be a foster failure! :-)

  15. Your flowers are just beautiful! What is that last flower???? Really cool. So happy for little Zither.


  16. Yeah for Zither.
    No Fall for me either - I love Fall but still need some summer that I can be outside a far it has been so hot and humid...just waiting for perfect Summer weather.


  17. Oh the dreaded eye drops - hope your vision is back to normal! Zither is just a cutie!

  18. Hi Lauren,
    Great photos, love all the pretty flowers!
    Well, as much as I hate to rush through the seasons ... I am so OVER summer ... Well, really the temps have been just awful this year!
    And I get the whole foster thing ... but how is it a failure to give an animal a forever home????
    Have a great week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)