Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday in the Garden ~

Blooming today in the garden  ~

A big thank you to all who entered
the calendar girls give-away.
Cathy D, a former co-worker
was the first name drawn and
chose the hooked crow mat.
was the second winner.
3936 votes were cast and
Ohio Pug Rescue has that much more
cash to pay vet bills.
(Vet bills for the month of June
totalled more than $7000.)
* * * * *
I have decided to suspend my goals list
for the rest of the summer.
It is just too busy of a time.
Look for it to return
in the fall :)
* * * * *
Just a reminder to anyone within
driving distance of Milan, Ohio.
There is a wonderful antique show
on the town square
this Sunday, rain or shine.
It is a quality show but a few bargains
can be found.
Best of all,
there is no admission charge!
* * * * *
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I looked back and eema and Cher were #2 yahoo they are in. I love your gardens such beautiful color.
    congrats to the winners

  2. Beautiful flowers Lauren. Glad the girls made the calendar. Congrats to the lucky ladies.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  3. Beautiful flowers !Congrats to the winners. Have a great night.Jen

  4. Congratulations to the lucky winners. Lauren your flowers are just beautiful, such bright and vibrant colors. I just love this time of year, spending my days in the garden is such a simple joy. Sending greetings from Maine, Julie.

  5. Lauren, Your flowers are gorgeous and so well taken care of.

    Hooray for the dollars for Ohio Pug Rescue!

    Wish I lived closer so that I could come antiquing. :0)

  6. Love your beautiful flowers Lauren. I'm so glad that the girls made it on the calendar and it's because you are such a great supporter that it has happened. I'm sorry about not getting my cheque in as the deadline came too fast and the mail strike didn't help. Maybe another time.

    Congratulations to the lucky winners and have a great weekend. JB

  7. Love seeing what is blooming in your garden.....jealous of the foxgloves....that is one of those flowers that Kenny can never get to grow here....maybe it's just too humid here....not sure.

  8. Lauren your flowers are just beautiful!!

  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous, bloom Lauren!! Love the digitalis...they, unfortunately, don't like the climate here in Nod...Congratulations to Cathy and Amy....lucky gals to have some of Lauren's wonderful work!! And, Lauren - thank you for doing what you did...and being the sweetheart that you are! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. Beautiful flowers! So excited to have won! Going to email you.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. Thank you Lauren for sharing the beauty of your garden. I am impressed with those who can grow flowers in such profusion! They are simply beautiful, though I know there's nothing 'simple' about it. It takes work!

  12. I'm getting my garden fix from you! Beautiful.

  13. Your flowers a beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Special thanks to all of Lauren's wonderful followers & members of Eema's Fan Club for your overwhelming support & generous donations to OPR. I kept checking on the girls' tally esp. as July 1 was approaching & it just kept shooting up! So many pug darling will be helped. It warms my heart & makes me teary-eyed to think of how many people love Eema. I know we'd all agree that her first pugmom, Lauren, is a remarkable person. To open her heart & show Eema love & kindness & then to be able to share her story & affect so many people is a miracle. To update you on Eema- she is still comfortable but it's a day at a time. Knowing that next year she'll be smiling in the sun in the calendar pic will be a reminder of happy times we shared. Thanks for helping & caring. Dolly


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