Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fritz's BIG Adventure ~

You probably recall me bragging telling you that my DSO Fritz built an airplane..  It took about 2 years and finally took to the skies last fall.  (Watching his first flight was SO scary!)

Here he is last Tuesday morning getting ready to set off on his BIG ADVENTURE.  His goal is to fly from Ohio to Petaluma, CA to visit his younger son Matt, by way of Phoenix, AZ.  Yesterday he reached the first part of his goal.  He is spending a couple days with a childhood friend in Phoenix before heading to Petaluma. 


Do I worry about him?  You betcha, but I am so proud of what he is accomplishing.  He says it's the adventure of a lifetime and I am so happy he is able to do it!  Oh, and today's his birthday.  Happy birthday, Fritz!!! 
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is so cool. Happy birthday Fritz.

  2. Lauren, Yes so cool, and so proud, BUT I agree scary too! happy Birthday to Fritz!!! OLM

  3. Whooo Van Harte Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!!!

    And yes this means happy birthday!!!

    I hope you have a great weekend together and the plane looks great!


  4. Happy Birthday Fritz, what a fantastic goal to complete, she is a beauty. Safe travels!

  5. I love that he is making his dreams happen. That's truly living life! Happy Birthday to your wonderful pilot!

  6. Happy Birthday to Fritz!!

    Have a wonderful weekend Lauren~Becky

  7. Wow...that is amazing...and so, so, cool!! What happened to my guts??! Great for Fritz - and happiest of birthday wishes to him!! I wish him safe, safe, travels...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. WOW that is amazing!! What 'lofty' goals he has. Hope he enjoys Phoenix, my second home! I know it's pretty hot there now.

  9. So wonderful he is having the adventure of a life time. a very happy Birthday to Fritz.

  10. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Fritz! How wonderful for him to be living out his dream!
    Safe travels as he goes to and returns from CA.....

  11. Happy Birthday Fritz! What an adventure!!!Wow

  12. Happy Birthday Fritz and enjoy the fruit of your labor. Get to your destination and back home safely.

    Lauren, you have every right to be proud of Fritz's accomplishment. Not everyone get to see their dream come to reality. Hugs to both of you. JB

  13. Happy Birthday Fritz !What a dream to have and to be able to see it all the way through,is just awesome !Hugs,Jen

  14. Now THAT'S an adventure! What a great spirit! Happy Birthday to Fritz! :-) Yesterday was my Birthday too... but I stayed on the ground... lol!

  15. Happy Birthday Fritz! What an accomplishment.. Love hearing dreams being fullfilled! Safe travels!!

  16. Hi Lauren,
    I am a couple of days late here in my blogging comments! I wish to wish Fritz a belated Happy B-day and all the best on his adventure! That little plane is a honey of an accomplishment and I can see why you are so proud of him! Living our dreams is something I think only a few actually ever accomplish!
    Cathy G


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