Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Few New Treasures ~

Tonight I'll share a few of the treasures I purchased on my PA get~away.  Friend Wink spotted the tops ~ 3 red, white and blue and one blue and white one.  She graciously passed on them so they came home with me.  (The fourth one is with some other patriotic items.)

The little tin funnel makes a great flag holder for the 48 star flags I already owned.


This is a wooden measure.  It measures two different quantities depending on whether it is used this way or turned upside down.  It rests on a little stool I purchased to hook a mat for.

I keep purchasing lidded baskets with the intention of hooking little mats for the top.  I'm getting quite the collection of baskets ~ but I still haven't hooked the first topper :)

Just a sweet little blue granite cup.

My bargain of the year (perhaps decade!) was these 3 feather edge platters.  Yes they have some serious damage but they are good for stacking.  They were priced $12 for all three and were 20% off.  Woo hoo.  I love a bargain!!!

I also purchased a few birthday gifts and one Christmas present ~ a Currier and Ives print, probably not antique but based on the framing, definitely vintage.  Problem is I like it so much I just may keep it :)
Overall I was pleasantly surprised at the prices at the antique malls.  I found many items to be what I considered reasonable and there were bargains to be found.  Sure, there were things I thought were overpriced so they did not make the trip to Ohio with me.
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Thank you so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, LOVING everything! Those platters, damage, who cares, love them! OLM

  2. Ok, Girlfriend, Now WHO'S holding out??!!! Those are some serious goods....(uhhh....like...I LOVE old toy tops!!!) And those snippets of the rooms of your house look AMAZING!!! You gonna share more???! LOVE your style!!! Knew I liked you from the get-go!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. The toy tops are so cool!
    And the displaying of flags in the funnel is a great idea.
    You did find some really nice bargains.
    I wish Zip liked antiquing!

  4. Great finds Lauren! It's always fun to find treasures to bring home. I'm glad you found a few things that made your heart happy.

  5. I have one of those tin tops.Love your goodies.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  6. Great finds -- love the red/white/blue tops! I did a little antiquing over the weekend and came home empty. I hate that..... Guess I'll have to go back out again next weekend!!
    Have a happy day!

  7. Great goodies you found and gave a new home. I love the tops.

  8. Lauren, You have such a good eye for getting deals. Love all your treasures.

  9. Hi Lauren~

    You sure found some wonderful goodies!! Love your patriotic tops!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  10. Lauren love your finds the plates are wonderful. they would look great with greens and candles for the holidays. I love the tops.

  11. Hi Lauren, I have a few antique furniture in my house but I've inherited them from my in-laws and I know nothing of what's a good deal in antique stuff unless they are in pristine condition.

    But I love the three tops. My first instinct would be to repaint them so they looked old but I know that it would devalue them. I guess to be honest I like things to look in good condition but that only goes to show what I know of antiques. JB

    The main thing is that if it pleases you then it's a great deal.

  12. Lauren, Great finds on your trip. It's always fun to bring home the things you immediately love and get to enjoy them every day!

  13. You do have some great new goodies! :) I too have a collection of old picnic baskets waiting for hooked lids. Right now they are stacked (some of them anyway) in a pile from big to small to work as a make-do side table.

  14. Love the new additions you picked up! I have a few baskets too that I planned on hooking tops for. At least I am using them for storage. Someday I'll get to the topper. I have a small piece laying on top of one of them, but it's not what I had in mind.
    So happy you had a great time!


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