Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This 'n That ~ ~ ~

After many weeks, Mo is finally done with all her meds.  With that being said, she is now on the ready to adopt list.  She may find her forever home in a week or it could be many months.  I think once someone gets a look at her beautiful face, her forever home will come sooner rather than later.  Her ears have finally cleared up, but she will probably always have ear issues due to years of untreated ear infections.  This is her serious look . . .

. . . and here she is smiling at the world!

* * * * *
I picked up a few goodies at the antique show in Milan on Sunday.  I haven't bought any treen pieces in a long time, but came home with these two barrel-shaped containers.  I also found a smaller version of the funnel I purchased in PA.

I like to use old figural Christmas bulbs as ornaments on the tree.  They have gotten so expensive, so when I found this cat playing a mandolin (?) reasonably priced, I had to add him to my collection.

I got all three of these tintypes for only $2.00.  On the back of one was a sticker that said "Aunt Pet. and Uncle Jim Young".  I have my doubts about the veracity of that because it was on what appears to be a modern Avery label.  I'm not sure what I will do with them, but instant ancestors can be fun!

{{I did find a few other treasures but can't show them because they are gifts.}}
* * * * *

I am happy to announce that Fritz has reached Petaluma, CA in the RV-12.  Thank you so much for all his birthday wishes.  He told me I had some really wonderful people reading my blog :)  (And I agree 100%!)
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a cute dog! What a face! Once again you find great goodies Lauren

  2. Hi Lauren,
    Oh what a sweet face...I'm sure Mo will be in her forever home soon....who wouldn't love her!

    I'm so happy your SI madeit safe...whew!

    Wonderful new goodies. Goodness I know those ornaments are so expensive...glad you found one.


  3. Hi Lauren,
    Mo certainly must be happy and feeling better! Just look at that smile! She is certainly going to bring a lot of joy to her future parents!
    Glad Fritz made it to CA. He must be having the time of his life!
    You always find the neatest stuff while antiquing! I wish you could just come over and shop in my basement! There's a few things down there I think you would like! LOL!
    Cathy G

  4. I so love Mo! The best serious face I have seen. : )

  5. What a sweet face I hope for a forever home soon.
    Glad Friz made it safe and sound and love your buys.
    I haven't been antiquing in awhile the dump and thrifting is as good as it gets here.

  6. oh my, that face... Mo is just adorable and I have no doubt that her forever home will come soon.
    looks like you got some great treasures at the show... love the pictures.
    Have a great Wednesday

  7. Love that little Mo! Great finds you have there! I can't wait to find some new antique stores up here in NH.
    Have a great day!

  8. Love that charming face and smile. Glad that the med treatments are finished and Mo is feeling better. It goes to prove what a great pug mom you are.

    Congratulations to Fritz for reaching his destination safely.

    What interesting wooden containers. I love them and the vintage cat tree ornament.

    Have a great week. JB

  9. Glad to hear Fritz made it safely!! I love the xmas bulb!
    And who can forget MS. Mo?? She is just so cute!!!
    Any news of our calender girl celebrity EEma??

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. So glad Mo is back on the "play" list....What a FACE!! I see "cover girl" in HER future!! And love your treasures....I can see we couldn't go junking together because we'd be squabbling over the same items!! I, too, used to collect the little figural bulbs (just to display in bowls, etc.) but they just got crazy nutty in price...And treen...heck - you can't even find a repro at a decent price in these parts...but it still calls to me! I, too, just picked up a few instant relatives...can't resist them!! Have a great day!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (Sorry for the deleted comment....must have had my fingers on the wrong keys or something!!)

  12. Love your finds, especially the tintypes. Mo is so cute I just might have to consider fostering a pug if I can find one!! Haven't had any luck finding a greyhound to foster. I think Mo will get adopted quick!!1

  13. Hi Lauren~

    Mo is adorable. Love that serious face!!

    You found some wonderful treasures at the antique show.

    Have a wonderful night~Becky

  14. Now that is a face only a mother can love LOL. I do hope Mo finds a forever home soon, she certainly deserves one! Hope your days are filled with sunshine! Julie.


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