Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hookin' at the Library ~

Last night was the monthly hooking at the library.  It was a small, but very talented group of hookers.  Karin hooks the most amazing rugs.  Check her out on eBay.  Her seller ID is primitivespirits.  She bought all the wool just a few weeks ago at the Kingwood hook-in from Heavens to Betsy to hook this background.  I wish I could have captured the true colors!  Here's a close up of the horse . . .

. . . and the finished rug ~ already bound!


Here's what she is currently working on.  I love it!


Arlene is working on a slightly different horse than Karin, but plans to hook a similar background.  The shape of the horse is from an antique rug.


I had seen Jackie, but never actually had the pleasure of meeting her before last evening.  She is nearing completion on "the lion and the lamb".  She is going to take out the wool roving she used on the lamb and replace it with yarn, I believe..


I hadn't seen Donna in a very long time.  She usually does not come to the evening get togethers.  It was good to see her!
Aren't these houses too cute?


I absolutely love the blue and browns she used in this little rug.  She was spending her time binding it.


This is the rug I started working on last evening.  It should be an "easy hook".  We'll see.  I'm undecided if I like the wool I am using to hook the wascally wabbit.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you will come again soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh I love that rabbit!! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  2. Love seeing all the rugs each one looks super such great inspiration!

  3. Gorgeous rugs ! Can't wait to see your rabbit finished.Hugs,Jen

  4. Such wonderful rugs So nice to see what everyone else is working on. I love your rabbit.

  5. That's a great background in Karen's rug! And the crock made my heart skip a beat! Wowie! It's always a lot of fun seeing who is hooking on what... thanks for sharing pics!

  6. What awesome rugs. Such inspiration. I'm back to working on my flowerpot rug...all scalloped I'm dreaming of my next project! I love that rabbit of yours and I look forward to seeing the progress! Keep us posted!

  7. Great pictures, thanks for sharing! Give your rabbit a chance. Get some background in first before you change your mind. Sometimes you end up going back to your first choice if you pull out too soon. Have fun with it, and can't wait to see more of it done!

  8. I always love seeing what other people are hooking. Thanks for all the wonderful pics Lauren. Karin did a fabulous job on the horse rug. Love her crockery rug too. Your rabbit rug looks like a fun one. All the rugs are great!

  9. Such great eye candy and it is always fun to see what projects other people are working on. Thanks much for sharing pictures of the works in progress.

  10. Thanks for sharing the rug photos, Lauren. The rugs are great, and encouraging to those of us who don't have groups to join. Your wascally wabbit rug is wonderful!!

  11. Thanks for the rug photos. I'm amazed at how many new rugs are being hooked while my little hook is sitting idle. Great rugs. Have a great weekend Lauren. JB

  12. I must say, you hook with some mighty talented company - all of those rugs are absolutely wonderful!!! That crock of Karin's is adorable - who'd'a thunk doing that like that? But it truly looks realistic with her shading!! However, I truly wuv your wabbit!!! How folky and prim!!! Right up this crow's alley! Can't wait to see where you go with it! Alas, my kitty rug is painfully slow going - almost done with the letters, but no motivation!! (Wanna share some of yours??) ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Thanks for the pics - love seeing everything - everyone is so unique and does so well with their designs. Your wabbit is looking good!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)