Saturday, July 16, 2011

SSSHHHHH!!! Please don't tell . . .

. . . my sweetie that I had a hot date last night and a male slept over my house.  I don't want Fritz to think that it's out of sight, out of mind.  My hot date happened to be my favorite 6 year old red head Jake.  We had a fine dinner at the hometown Hot Dog Heaven.  From there it was on to quality entertainment - Mr. Popper's Penguins. 
And PLEASE don't tell him that I was taking risque pictures of this male!  This is Jake's "snowbaby" impersonation.


After a good night's sleep, it was off to friend Belinda's pool to have some fun in the sun.

Being cute!

Acting goofy


Too cool for words

Showing off!

Maggie the Airedale goes in and out of the pool at her leisure. 


I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  We've had some beautiful weather here on Ohio's north coast, but it is supposed to get hot and sticky with no rain in the forecast.  It's either feast or famine with precipitation here ~ and now it is famine.  I am thankful that my livelihood does not depend on the weather.
Thank you for stopping by and please come again!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren ~ that boy is one of the cutest kids on the planet!!!!!!!!

  2. Lauren,
    Boys and water just go together and now I see you can add dogs! LOL!
    Looks like so much fun and keeping cool will definitely be what you will want to do when you get this crazy hot weather we have right now! Very humid too!
    Love that little red head!!!
    Cathy G

  3. Love that toothless smile! Looks like lots of fun. I like your "hot" date!! He's a cutie pie.

  4. What a wonderful way to spend time with another man! I won't tell a soul! I have a special red headed male in my life too...he's 32 now but he used to love swimming when he was young too!

    Stay cool..the stickies are headed here too!


  5. Just because your "hot date" is so cute - I promise not to tell! What a cutie!

  6. Woooo hooo what a hottie you have there! My lips are zipped!!!

  7. One of the cutest dates a gal could have! Glad you and that adorable red~head had a great time!

  8. Fritz better be breaking out the high life...As handsome as he is, he's got nothing on that little carrot top....Oh my HECK!!! That's something Norman Rockwell would have wanted to paint!! LOVE it!!! Glad you had some wonderful bonding time....Mmmmmm...bubble bath sounds good 'bout now....Hot and stickies are headed our way I hear....Yea....summer in Nod, finally! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. I'm glad you and Jake had a fun time on your hot date. Dear Fritz doesn't need to know everything all the time. :)

  10. That Jake is worth a tiny fibbing!! You must just have a ball together. He looks like he's enjoying his summertime!

  11. Hi Lauren........cherish that one on one time with sweet little Jake. They grow up so fast. Love the toothless grin.
    You should see all of the fabulous wool I got from Alice the other day!

  12. Shhh!! I won't tell if you don't!! What a handsome little man you have there. Looks like a great time was had in the pool.

    Have a wonderful Sunday & stay cool. We're having that hot sticky weather too & it's just miserable.


  13. Whenever I hear stories and/or see pics like these, I think about the wonderful memories that are being made! Special times with special people -- what could be better than that?!

    And I'm sure Fritz won't mind you steppin' out on him with such a handsome fella...... :)

    Have a happy Sunday!

  14. What a sweetheart! He seems like such fun to be around!

  15. Gotta love a red-headed boy! So cute! Looks like a really fun time! It's been hot here, but not as humid...spending lots of time by the pool as well.

  16. What a sweetie,I never knew what being a grandma would be like but I love it.That series of photos are a picture of summer and a boy!

  17. A hot date with a younger man -- I'd expect nothing less from a hooker like you!

  18. Oh my gosh! The 'snowbaby' pictures are hilarious! He is certainly a water-loving little boy! I think I see a swimming team Olympian in the future.

  19. Sounds like it was such a great date - you two may plan to do it again!

  20. Love, love all those cool pictures and that young man sure is a cool dude even on a hot day. I love the tubby picture the best. You naughty girl... What a hot date... My lips are sealed. What Fritz doesn't know can't hurt him, right? Have a fun week. JB

  21. How cute! I love those toothless smiles! :)

  22. Those pictures are great! I just love that toothless smile!!

  23. Boy if that doesn't bring back fun memories of being in the pool on a hot summer day - sadly - if I manage to get in our pool one a week for 20-30 minutes I am doing good. it is beautiful to look at but somehow just not as fun as when I was 10. great pics of Jake - have a good week - Mel


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