Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm doing my part . . .

. . . to help stimulate the economy.
Yesterday a friend and I attended an antique show.  We almost didn't go because last year, it was very much like a flea market with probably half the people selling costume jewelry.  Not my cup of tea.  I don't know how the promoter did it, but it was a totally turned around with many quality dealers offering some great antiques at decent prices. 

I just love this little child's chair I came home with.  I see that a small hooked rug is definitely needed for the seat.

A little foot stool with a great patina also made the trip home with me.

This coverlet has some major damage, but it will look good folded at the end of a bed or draped over a chair.  It's the first coverlet I have with a dated corner block.

It has a wonderful eagle border.

I thought the bugle would be a great accent during the Christmas season.

Not old, but this stand is perfect on my side porch. 

Overall, I thought it was a great show and I'm happy with all my purchases.

Here's Mo on the couch and Loocie perched on the back.  Mo may be going to her forever home on Wednesday.  Yeah for Mo ~ a sad day for me.

The "Christmas Story" house is located in Cleveland, Ohio, and is open to the public.  As a way to raise funds for a local food bank, this Christmas tree leg lamp is being raffled.  Isn't it a hoot?


I hope everyone's week is off to a good start.  Thanks for stopping by and please come again soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren~

    Love your new goodies from the antique show. I'd love to see what little rug you hook for the seat of that chair.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  2. Awesome finds!!!
    Love everything.
    And that coverlet is awesome.

  3. WOW! You got some real treasures there! I'd like one of those child's chairs for my grandson to use when he comes for a visit.

  4. Lauren, That is a wonderful coverlet I love it. What great finds.

  5. You got some great finds there!!! Love the pic of Mo on the back of the couch!!

  6. A Christmas Story is my favorite Christmas movie. I love the leg lamp!
    You found some really nice things at the antique show. The coverlet is lovely. I've never seen eagles quite like those.
    Good luck to Moe in her forever home!

  7. Great finds Lauren! Good for you!!

  8. Lauren!!! So love the good you purchased!!! So glad someone other then me is stimulating the economy!!! YEAH for MO!!!! I don't know how you do it, it would be so hard to say good by to each of them! My hats off to you! OLM

  9. Way to go Mo - bet Loocie is happy too! LOL Sorry for you! Oh my what treasures - i want to go antiquing with you! Kathy and I went today and didn't find anything! Well nothing I could talk her into! Oh that's a stitch that leg lamp

  10. Yup....we'd definitely have problems shopping together....I LOVE everything you scooped up - especially that darling chair and that incredible coverlet...Holy cow!! I don't think I've ever even seen a coverlet at a show or store in these parts....only still my heart! I'm happy and sad for you about Mo - I'm know she's had a wonderful home with you....and she'll miss you; but glad she's getting a forever home....Truly don't know how you do what you do...the goodbyes would just tear me up. Have a wonderful week, Friend...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Lauren, That is my all time favorite Christmas movie. If I won that leg lamp though Greg would throw me out. He doesn't like the movie and I play it constantly during the holidays. Your finds are beautiful. I especially like the child's chair. They don't make them like that anymore. Happy for Mo, but understand it's sad for you. I hope he gets a great home. xxoo

  12. oh you got some goodies there lucky you. I am happy for mo but understand your sadness. I love the leg lamp that is one of my favorite movies not sure I would want the lamp in my house. I have your stuff all packed to ship now I just have to make it to the post office.

  13. Lauren~ So glad the show was better this year and you found some goodies.Mo found a home fast.Yeah! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  14. Great finds Lauren! You've got some punching to do, to cover the chair seat and little stool :). I'm sure you will come up with great designs for it. What a fun day! Coverlet is awesome too. Leg lamp? cracked me up!

  15. You found some great stuff. I would have grabbed that little foot stool too. It is hard to find those around here. I have been looking for awhile.
    That leg lamp is a hoot! I hope you win it :)

  16. You had a day of 'fabulous finds'!! Good for you! I love them all!!! I hope Mo will be happy with her new parents ~ they couldn't be better than you!

  17. We can certainly help the economy at times, can't we?? That child's chair is just amazing! I have loved that style for a long time and the patina on yours is perfect. A little rug would look perfect on it!!

    And that coverlet... OH MY!! You done good is all I can say!! WOOHOO!!!!

    What a blessing you are to your furry friends. Wishing Mo a very happy new life! HUGS!

  18. Love your great finds, Lauren, esp. the childs' chair! I, too, try to stimulate capitalism whenever I can!!

    Mo and Loocie look pretty comfy on the sofa...I know you will miss Mo, but you are wonderful for all the care and love that you give the furbabys! Bless you.

  19. Must be hard on you to let go of your little friends, but it is so wonderful that you care for them until they find their forever homes! You are a special person for sure.....

    Love all your finds from the antique show -- the coverlet is just wonderful! Everything you snagged is great -- isn't it fun to have a great shopping day like that?!

  20. You definitely did you part for the economy. You picked up some great things!

    I now that it will be sad to see Mo leave, but you are a special person for opening your home to to them.

  21. Wow! What a good haul! I just love the variety of stuff you found. I'm really happy for Mo, even though you'll be sad. But, you already know what a saint you are to foster these little cuties and get them ready for the forever homes.

    I'm still jonesing for a cat...maybe next week!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)