Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Week in the Garden ~

First ~ A very heartfelt thank you for all the sweet comments on my last post.  Eema is very special ~ to both Dolly and me.
* * * * *
With all the rain we've had, everything is very lush and green.  I've spent some time working in the yard ~ finally!  There is still much to do.  This year I must get some mulch!  It's on my very long "to do" list.  Here's what's blooming this week. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Were those peonies? I love your garden. The irises are beautiful!

  2. Your garden and yard are GORGEOUS Lauren! Holy crap! Now who's been holding out on us???!!! Love those little bottle stakes!! How cool is that!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Lauren, your garden looks great! We have had the rain this Spring, haven't we? I've been reading your blog during my lenthy absence, and loved your projects.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Eema's illness. It is so hard to see them hurt in any way.

    The Wool Cupboard

  4. Such a beautiful yard filled with such lovely blossoms. Lots of work but such rewards.
    Sorry to hear about Eema I hope her days are filled with lots of belly rubs!

  5. your garden looks so lush and wonderful. I still love the bottle tree.We are going into a heat wave the next couple of days. Not looking forward to that. A friend has offered us a place at the beach so we may get to escape it.

  6. Lauren, your gardens are just lovely, beautiful flowers and wonderful creative touches. Have a wonderful day, Julie.

  7. Gosh how pretty Lauren,
    I still don't have 'garden' flowers that are sparky! Shade flowers just don't have the appeal that full Sun flowers do.
    Yours are just lovely dear lady.


  8. Love, love, love your peonies! Mine are blooming...just in time for me to enjoy before I'll leave them! You garden with the same colors I do...blues and pinks! Beautiful!

  9. I love your garden. I can't imagine a world without flowers. Your peonies are gorgeous and ahead of mine. Mine are all budded and it shouldn't be long before they bloom and I can intoxicate myself in their perfume.

    I also love your Siberian Irises, well I assume they are Siberian Irises because they look like mine but mine are not blooming yet.

    Have a great week and enjoy all the beauty around you.


  10. Hi Lauren~

    Your flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.


  11. Your garden is beautiful Lauren. Hope that you have lots of time to sit out there and admire it. Although maybe not on days like the past couple. Too warm, don't you think?

  12. Isn't it great when the sun comes out and the flowers start to bloom? It just makes you happy!! Thanks for sharing your happy with us. I love those peonies. I need to get out with the camera and get some new pics.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)