Sunday, June 5, 2011

Adopted Pugs Update ~

I thought I'd give you an update on a few of the pugs I've fostered that have gone to their forever homes.  {Most of the families have not kept in touch with me, but these have.}
Peanut was my last foster who went on to her forever home in April.  Here is a pic taken while she was with me.  Aren't you happy you don't have one of those chin hairs?


Here's a picture sent by her forever mom in her new girly girl harness trimmed in pink.  Mom Ronna reports that they love her to pieces but she is still incorrigible in the car.

Remember Hopscotch, now known as Midge?  She was the the 6 month old pug mix, probably pug and chihuahua.  That's her on the left with all her pug brothers and sisters.  Mom Heidi had two pugs before welcoming Midge in to her home and then adopted another pug from OPR. 

To say she's a bit "adventuresome" would be an understatement.  I've posted pictures of her part way up a tree and on the dining room table.  Now I have no idea how she gets up on the railing, but isn't this just a hoot?

She still has that '48 Buick smile.

Then there's my Eema.  Sigh . . .

She came to me as a 7 year old former puppy mill momma who had spent her entire life in a crate having babies.  For the first time in her life she knew love.  She brought me so much joy in the 11 1/2 months I fostered her.  She was adopted by the most amazing couple. 

Her favorite trick was "I've fallen and I can't get up until I've had some belly rubs".

Here she is with her sister Cher who was also adopted from Ohio Pug Rescue.  Those lucky pugs got to spend a month in Florida this past winter!

It breaks my heart to tell you that Eema has a malignant tumor with no viable treatment options.  I visited her last week and she is still happy as a clam and not showing any distress.  Mom Dolly reports that she still loves her belly rubs and snacks.  Oh, how she loves her snacks!  Poor sweet Eema.  My heart aches for Dolly, but Eema is so lucky to be so loved.  Darn!  I just can't stop these tears!!!
Please give your furbabies an extra hug and treat today.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, I'm so sorry to hear about Eema. It is so sad to hear that news especially for you as you have fostered her and have become attached to her. Thanks for all the updates about the others. I'm sure that there's a dog heaven as God has created them with love. I just hope that she still has some quality of life for a while yet. Big hugs. Julia

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this about Eema. She is just the sweetest. I'm glad she has such a wonderful home right now. That's a blessing for her to know such love and caring. You're in my thoughts.

  3. Lauren, Oh my... I am so grateful you had Eema for the time you did and that she is such a loving home for the remaining time she has, how heartbreaking.... yes, Knuckle's will get a much needed? extra treat today...OLM

  4. Oh Lauren - breaks my heart too to hear news like that - I am so happy she has a loving home and her last years will be wonderful loved and happy ones outside the mill. You are a wonderful person to have given her all the love and found her a forever home with Dolly.

    Me thinks the puppy thinks he's a cat on that railing - too cute!

  5. Oh dear Lauren - what distressing news. I am so very sorry - for you, for Dolly, and for poor sweet Eema. My prayers will be that Eema's remaining time are comfortable and happy and that you and Dolly find comfort and peace in knowing you brought joy and love into that little gal's heart and life. Glad to hear the other pups are doing well. You sure Hopscotch isn't pug mixed with CAT? Too, too funny! Love her grin....Take good care friend - my thoughts and prayers are surrounding you....Smiles & Big Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Lauren, hey wait, I DO have a chin hair like that!!! Yikes! he he Loved seeing all the pics and hearing the updates but so sad for Eema and her mom Dolly. I'm glad she is so well loved for however long she has.
    And thank you my friend for the wishes on my blog.

  7. Oh my how sad to hear about Eema. I know you have become attached to each and every pup you've rescued and put up for adoption.

    And, Lauren...... sorry to say that I DO have one of those chin hairs. Good thing I always have a pair of hooking scissors in my hand or nearby.

  8. Hi Lauren~

    So sorry to hear about Eema. She looks so happy with her sister Cher. She's one lucky pup to get to spend some time in Florida.

    Love the pics of Peanut & Midge too. Thanks for sharing.


    Thanks for sharing all your pictures with us.

  9. Hi lauren ,I can so understand your sadness. Words can't convey how sympathetic and sad I feel for you.Cheri

  10. Oh gosh Lauren...I have tears too.
    I could just reach in and hug Eema. She certainly does look happy though doesn't she.

    Bless you and the others for loving these beautiful animals.


  11. Those dogs just look sooooo funny!!!

    Thanks for sharing

  12. Lauren,
    Take joy in the fact that Eema is not in any pain and that you found her a wonderful home to spend her final days.
    Thinking of you,

  13. Hi Lauren,
    I just tuned in here and am so sorry to hear about dear Eema. Hopefully she is not in pain and has some good days ahead. It's just not fair that we get to love them for such a short time though.
    Stay strong and know that little Eema is in good hands and can spend her time now with good people who love her!
    Prayers and hugs!
    Cathy G

  14. Hi Lauren,
    I love when you post updates on the girls who have gone to their forever homes. It's nice to know how they are getting along with their new families.
    I am so sorry to hear about Eema! It will be heartbreaking to lose her. You and Dolly have finally made her life happy!

  15. I am so sorry to hear about Eema!! I'm in tears--at least she has known LOVE from you and her new mommy!!
    Hopscotch certainly is a character!!
    How is Mo doing?? When I heard about Eema-I immediately thought that maybe Mo could go live with Dolly.

  16. Lauren,
    All we can hope for is our 'fur-children' know love and you have given Eema such love; just from the way your talk of her. She is blessed, as well as you!
    makes me hug Hurricane and Angel-Kitty a little tighter...

  17. Crying, crying, crying. What would we ever do without special people like you, and the forever moms and dads, who fill our lives, and even the goodbyes, with love. Hugs, hugs and more hugs to you, dear Lauren.

  18. I've been unable to comment on your blog the past few times I've tried Lauren - very frustrating - so sorry to hear about sweet Eema - so very sad - that is another reason I chose not to show dogs any more and not to have companions any more - it's just too hard dealing with the medical issues. I know the good times outweigh the bad but for a while there - I had too many bad. Hope you find some sunshine in your week - Mel

  19. So many wonderful, caring followers. Sweet Eema is peacefully asleep on the couch next to me after having a little Cake Batter ice cream tonight. She is comfortable and still enjoys her belly rubs & car rides. Taking it a day at a time. I'll give her a hug from each of you. Dolly, Eema & Cher

  20. That Hopscotch/Midge is so funny. She is a little dare devil isn't she. More like a billy goat being up hight so she can look around.
    So sorry about Eema. She has known joy in her life tho just being loved so much.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)