Thursday, June 9, 2011

Favorite Shade of Red ~

Kindergarten graduation was this week.
It was held on the shores of Lake Erie
at Lakeview Park.
It was the perfect, sunny day!

Grandson Jake received his diploma ~
and a certificate for perfect attendance
the fourth quarter.
He was one happy camper.


Here's what is on my frame.
I needed a birthday gift
for a BFF. 
I thought I would get it done quickly.
Well  . . . .
It's been on the frame for a week
and this is all I've gotten done.
It's amazing how little I hook
when I am not excited about a project.
But maybe, just maybe . . .
if I get this finished
I can start something
that will inspire me!


Of course,
there is much yard work left to do
and once it's done
it's time to start all over again!
* * *
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congratulations to Jake for his perfect attendance. That's quite something. He has every right to be proud and happy.

    Your eagle looks great, why are you not enthuse about it. Eagles have a special place in my heart. We have a pair that are nesting every year in one of our tall pine trees. They have been around for about 5 or 6 years now and they stay here year round.

    What does BFF stand for? Best Friend Forever I hope. JB

    Enjoy your garden

  2. Lauren, Congrats!! Jake looks like one happy camper!! OLM

  3. What a perfect title for your post....that says it all! Love that little carrot-top!! :o)) Your eagle looks very sweet - I've been itching to do something Americana, but the Cranky Crow rules say I have to finish what I started before I start another...and I have a long way to go on those danged Welcome Kitties.... :o( Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. That is one adorable red~head and a big congrats to him on graduating kindergarten and the attendance award.
    The eagle is looking super hope to see a finished pic!

  5. Congratulations to Jake! I bet he's ready for that summer vacation!
    I like the eagle mat. Can't wait to see it finished.

  6. Congrats to Jake!!! He is too cute for words!!

  7. Well who wouldn't love that little red head! lol
    He's adorable - CONGRATULATIONS TO HIM....

  8. Love the red hair...I have two redheaded sons and one grandson with red hair. Congrats on his award and I love the start of your rug!

  9. Jake is such a cutie! Congrats to him! I like the eagle so far. I can't wait to see it all hooked up!

  10. Hi Lauren,
    Such a cutie and the red hair is so striking against all that blue water, his blue shirt etc. Your photos are spectacular! Special congrats and I hope he continues to win awards and make Granny proud!
    I too like your little Eagle mat! I've been in a red white and blue mood lately! Can't wait to see your finish!
    Cathy G

  11. Such a cute boy and I love his enthusiasm!!!

  12. Hi Lauren~

    Congrats to Jake!! Your little rug will be adorable when it's finished!!

    Enjoy your weekend~Becky

  13. could that jake be any cuter????? Congrats to him. I need to hook more but just don't have the energy to do it. It takes all I have to get though each day. have a great weekend

  14. Any post that features Jake is a bright spot. That smile of his is infectious. He sure does look proud of himself.

  15. I hope you keep going on the Americana Eagle rug - I think it'll be nice when it's done.

    I couldn't leave a comment on your last post, but I'm wondering what you have your bottles mounted on - rebar? or bamboo? I've used bamboo for a couple years now, but it doesn't seem to last too long in the ground.

  16. Congrats to your little red headed cutiepie! Now he's going to be big man on campus in 1st grade! Can't wait to see what you do with the eagle

  17. Jake, Good for him.The rug is off to a good start!Have a lovely weekend.

  18. Jake is such a cute guy and just love that red hair. My (now grown) neice has red hair and even as a child loved it because she knew it was special and different.

    Hope you get inspired on your gift piece, and I know what you mean about being excited about hooking or not excited. I'm always excited when I'm hooking something for me to keep but not so for something I'm making to sell.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)