Sunday, June 12, 2011

Whole Lot of Nothin'

Welcome, dear friends.  Another weekend is almost behind us.  I keep wondering where the time is going.  Don't you feel that way, too?
My new foster has been with me for just over two weeks.  Her name is Harmonica, but I simply call her Mo, or Mo Mo.  She has settled in quite nicely.  She is a very laid back seven year old though that very grey face makes her look older.  Her ear infection seems to be clearing with the meds, but I'm not sure about her suspected UTI.  She has been on meds for about 10 days, but still urinates much more than any female I have had.  She is a real sweetie, though, and takes care of her "business" outside.  She has her bursts of energy, and then must rest to recover.  Here she is just a short time ago on the computer room couch.

Yesterday was a beautiful day weather wise here on Ohio's north coast.  I got some much needed yard work done (though of course there is so much more left to do!).  We had a cookout over at DSO's and then took his sailboat out.  We don't fish, but Jake and a 10 year old named Jordan wanted to fish from the boat, so we motored out past the breakwall.  The boys didn't catch any fish (though my son did catch a walleye) but they had a ball trying. 

In the far left background is the Lorain, Ohio lighthouse, known as the jewel of the port.

A very belated thank you to Teri over at White Sheep Farm for the give~away she hosted.  I got lucky and won these gorgeous red, "dirty" white and blue wools from Wool-n-Wares.  A Polly Minnick book was also part of the give~away, but I declined since I already have a copy.  Thank you so much, Teri!!!

I sent Robin from over at the Cranky Crow  a little something and even though I wanted nothing in return, she  sent me these wonderful goodies (and a little Got Wool? magnet that I didn't show.)  The little enamelware snippet dish is just too cute and even though she didn't make the sheep, it is very sweet with its cinnamon stick legs.  I got the better end of this deal!!!  Thanks, Robin :)

Last week I got brave again and took to the skies with my Sweetie (aka Fritz).  You are looking down on the east side of Lorain and just above the edge of the wing on the right is the former shipyard where he lives.

Making our final approach to the runway . . .

. . . and getting ready to touch down.
The second flight was a bit less nerve wracking for me, but I have a long way to go before I feel comfortable.

Today's weather is less than ideal.  The temp has hovered around 60 degrees all day, it is cloudy, dreary and damp and so I've frittered the day away on the computer.  (I hope you don't waste spend as much time blog surfing as I do ~ I need a 12-step program), done a little hooking, reading, etc.  Hopefully I can soon show you the finished eagle mat.  It's small so it should be done soon though it should have been done at the end of May.  The story of my life . . .  a day late and a dollar short.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Boy oh boy do I know about the blog surfing and the time that flies by - but heck it could be worse right! Looks like a great day out on the sailboat! Great gifts - lucky you! Mo is a cutie - maybe that's just her - you know how different people are - some pee more than others! LOL

  2. You have so much fun. That jake his smile I could just hug him! Love your win and your gifts. I waste a lot of time also surfing. I hook a little and surf a little. I did get some cleaning done which felt good.
    have a great day

  3. Lauren ~ I can relate to too much "surfing" as well! Jake looks pretty comfortable on the boat fishing. Looks like fun.

    Yikes! Flying in one of those small planes looks scary to me. My husband has flown with friends in small planes, but I'm chicken. :0)

    The Wool Cupboard

  4. Lauren, I spend time too blog surfing but I try to spread some cheer around so I can justify all this blog time. he, he...

    That Mo Mo is just as cute as they get. She looks very lovable.

    What a nice way to pass the weekend flying and sailing. It doesn't get any better than that. Your grandson Jake is adorable too. I love that toothless smile. No wonder times flies by so swiftly. JB

  5. Hi Lauren~

    I should be doing something besides blog hopping, but guess what?? I can't stay away.

    Love the pics of little Mo Mo & that little redhead is adorable.

    Have a wonderful week~Becky

  6. Goodness, blogging is keeping me sane! Love your winning gifts! Glad to see you got up in the air again. I used to love to fly in those small planes...but I'd probably be chicken now! Mo Mo is so sweet, nodding off like that!

  7. Looks like you've been having a great time...let the good times roll! Maybe you should go to Vegas or buy a lottery ticket while you're on this streak!

  8. I dunno who's cuter - Mo Mo or Jake.... Oh that's right - Jake of course!!! He's just too dang cute with that smile and that hair of his!! (I spy a redhead in the photo behind him...could that be where he gets it from???) You certainly have better fun than me - sailing, boating - yikes....Guess I live a very sheltered and mundane life! Congrats on your win - the wool looks yummy!!! And glad you enjoyed your little "somethins'".....And I told you before....You DIDN't get the better end of the deal, Silly!!! Have a wonderful week!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. Wow flying, fishing and hooking what could be better and getting gifts!!!What a lucky gal. smiles Cheri

  10. Looks like all of us blog junkies are on the net tonight! I LOVE it! We are all in the very best of company!
    Lauren, you are having a good roll with all your sweet gifts! You deserve it and little Mo Mo would tell you your the best foster Mom ever!
    It scares me a little to see the flight photos but I think it's also got to be pretty exciting to know someone to take you up like that! Now take me out on that boat any day! That I would love! Stay safe and enjoy!
    Cathy G

  11. I love your little Mo. What a sweet face. I love seeing pictures of your flights. I flew in a little two-seater plane in Alaska. I thought I would be so scared, but it was really like riding in your car--but way up high. So much fun!
    It nice to see the boys fishing. Our grandkids always like to go out on the lake and get a kick out of catching even the tiny fish (we catch and release)
    As for a blog 12-step program--I could use one, but don't want to admit to having a problem yet!

  12. I guess you see by now that you are not the only one that gets lost on the blogs lol. Your new little one is so cute. What an expression she has. Hope everythig clears up soon for her.
    Love the views from the airplane too! There will be no stopping you soon :)

  13. You are so brave! It's all I can do to be comfortable on a commercial flight!! Little Mo looks so sweet, but you are right, she looks older!

  14. You are a brave one ~ twice up in the air!!! And you're a lucky one, too!!! Enjoy your journey!!!


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