Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Different Kind of Give~Away

Happy Times in Florida

 Actually, it's more like a raffle ~ meaning it's going to cost you . . . lol!  Let me explain.  A major fund raiser for Ohio Pug Rescue is the calendar that is published each year.  Their goal this year is to raise $5000.00.  Calendar pugs are chosen by the number of votes they receive and the top twelve vote getters are in the calendar.  Eema and Cher are trying to make the calendar.  As most of you know, Eema has a malignant tumor and it would mean so much to me and mom Dolly for her to make the top twelve!!!  Votes are $1.00 each.

It is very simple. 
  • Click on "click here to vote"
  • Scroll down and find Eema and Cher
  • Click on "buy votes"
  • Pay via PayPal or by check (to the address listed on the voting page)
If you buy five or more votes for Eema and Cher, I will enter you in a drawing for a small hooked mat.  If more than five people buy five votes for them, I will draw a second name.

These are the mats the winner(s) can choose from.

This one will be finished!

It's that simple.  Voting ends July 1.  I will have no way of knowing if you have entered the give-away, so you must email me and put give-away in the subject line.

* * * * *
I would greatly appreciate it (and so would Dolly and Eema and Cher) if you would even cast one vote for them.  Come on ~ it's only a dollar a vote.  Each and every vote will help them become calendar girls!!!

Ohio Pug Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit all volunteer (no one earns a cent!).  Your donation is tax deductible.

Pug hugs :)


  1. They look like calendar girls to me! (Hey - is this legal??? Buying votes and all??) Just kidding!! I'll be buying some votes....This is so generous of you Sweetie....Hugs & Smiles ~ Robin

  2. Cute idea. And VERY cute models. I just got/bought some votes for those little cuties. Fun twist on a giveaway too.

  3. I'm voting will email you this afternoon.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Heading right over. Today, I gave the kids the last of the "Time for Kids" Magazines to peruse while we waited for school to end. On the cover on one magazine was a cute little Pug. I thought of you instantly! It's a sign to support these sweet little doggies!

  5. Hi Lauren, I guess I have some explaining to do. I don't use Pay Pal and I would like to vote but can't send a cheque because our postal workers are locked out as they are on strike.

    I hope that Dolly, Eema and Cher makes it as Calendar girls. Best of luck to them. Hugs for the Pugs. JB

  6. Many, many thanks from my bathing beauties, Eema & Cher. Your generous support has helped them move ahead in the voting and the donations will help OPR provide a better life for lots of puggies. This is one of my favorite pics of the girls. I swear that sweet Eema is smiling! Very happy memories. Pug Hugs from Dolly, Eema, & Cher


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)