Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Big THANK YOU and more Rugs from the Kingwood Hook-in ~

First of all, a HUGE THANK YOU for all the votes that have been cast for Eema and Cher.  They have moved up to third place in the overall voting.  Please be sure to email me if you've cast 5 or more votes.  I will be having two drawings because of your generosity.
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In addition to the first rugs at the Kingwood hook-in, there were additional rugs and hooked items displayed.  Oh, so much talent!!!
Please enjoy the show.

Waldoboro style of hooking.

Thank you so much for stopping by!  I can't believe another week is almost over.  Where, oh where, does the time go?
Pug hugs :)


  1. Boy, oh boy, these are just wonderful. What a show! I love them all, but the very last is the prettiest to me. It looks like a painting that you could step into.

  2. Wow....those are truly some kind of awesome!!! Each so different and yet each so incredible!! Thanks so much for sharing Lauren!! Glad that Eema and Cher are moving up in the polls...Go Girls Go!!! Big Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Hurray doe Eema and Cher!!!! All of these rugs are absolutely gorgeous!!!!

  4. Lovely rugs as always so much talent. so glad you sweet pugs are moving up.

  5. Drooling on the beautiful.I won a kit from White sheep farm.I really need to teach myself to hook.Yeah for Eema and Cher.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  6. Such great inspiration in all the rugs....thanks for sharing!

  7. I love all the rugs but the one that makes me smile is Hooking Sweet Hooking. I love ,love the pictorial one on the bottom. Great details and colors.
    If the strike comes to an end, I'll send my donation for the calendar pug girls... They are talking of a back to work order. Time will tell. JB

  8. All that eye candy in one place. So many different syles and designs. I would be in heaven at a show like that!

    WOOHOO for the pugs!

    Thanks so much for stopping by - have a wonderful weekend! HUGS!!

  9. Awesome rugs Lauren! Thanks for all the pictures!

  10. Thanks for sharing all of the rugs! They are so wonderful. Glad to hear the puggies are moving up.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)