Wednesday, June 29, 2011

American Coverlet Museum ~

The National Museum of the American Coverlet is located in the quaint town of Bedford, PA.

BFF Wink ~ aka Mary

It is housed in a "Common School" built in 1859.

This is the curator/founder Laszlo with his wife Melinda.  The museum is a labor of love.                        

We were given a personal tour by Laszlo.  His knowledge of coverlets is astounding!
Here's an early loom used to weave overshot coverlets.

A few of the coverlets in the museum.

Coverlet corner blocks.

Eagle detail.

If you are ever in the Bedford area, I suggest you make it a point to visit the museum.  I found it fascinating and if you are a textile lover, I think you will, too.
Tomorrow I am off to Grant Street Woolworks!  Woo hoo!!!  That should be fun meeting some fellow hookers :)
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren,
    Wow! Those coverlets are wonderful! I have a weak spot for them also!
    I bet you are excited to meet all the fine ladies at Grant Street! They are legendary here in blog land! I know you will have fun!
    Be safe in your travels!
    Cathy G

  2. Great pix, Lauren! Wish I were going with you tomorrow ~ how fun!!!

  3. Have fun lauren I love the coverlets they are so beautiful.Can't wait to see more pictures.

  4. Oh, oh oh ....lucky you Lauren!! what a wonderful trip! I passed by Grant street Wool Works last April on our way to a wedding in PA, but they were closed. One day, perhaps when I retire or at least have enough vacation time!

    I love the beautiful they are. It is a true labor of love!

  5. Oh wow, the tour must have been so interesting. Looking forward to seeing you. We will all be waiting :).

    And to Bobbi, I am sooo sorry the shop wasn't open when you were out. Really, really hope you stop by again some time. Email me next time!!

  6. Couldn't have been a more fun and interesting Post Lauren...I think WE ALL loved it.

  7. Lauren, I so would love to go to Grant Street with you and meet everyone. I know that you will have loads of fun and I'm willing to bet that you will be so busy having fun talking and looking that you won't get too many loops pulled.

    I love the coverlets and I too have a weakness for them especially in winter. Have a safe trip. JB

  8. I see a roadtrip in the making.....that place loks FABULOUS!!!

  9. Wowsers - didn't even know there was such a place - how I would love to see it!! I love coverlets....they just fascinate me! And Lazlo looks like he would be a fascinating guide as well. Even the building they're in is beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing! Have a great time today!!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. What a treat Lauren. Those coverlets are all beautiful!! Have a wonderful time at Grant Street.


  11. So amazing to see all the different ones.
    Happy you got to go see them

  12. I love coverlets and those are so great. It's amazing to see so many different ones. I'm glad that you posted pictures and hope you have a great time tomorrow.

  13. Lauren, The coverlets are so beautiful. I love coverlets.I always wanted to weave them. Add that to my list of things I want to learn. Thank you so much for sharing,

  14. WOW, Lauren! Great pictures...thanks for sharing your interesting trip with the rest of us!

  15. Thank you for sharing Lauren. Everything was beautiful and I see some motifs that would be very interesting in a hooked rug.

  16. It looks very interesting. Girlfriend adventures are always fun. I just read about your trip to Grant Street. FUN!

  17. Those coverlets are beautiful! Thanks for sharing all those pics! So happy to "meet you" in person yesterday!

  18. gorgeous coverlets...I have yet to find one!


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