Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Fine Bunch of Hookers ~

Thursday, I had the privilege of meeting some wonderful hookers.  I stopped by Grant Street Woolworks in Chambersburg, PA and met Pat ~ Moments in Time, Doris ~ Wool Dyer, Joanne ~ Snippets and Scraps and Kathy ~ Woolfind.  Shop owner Linda was also very gracious.  They are just delightful and made me feel so welcome!!!  Kathy helped me choose some wool for my next project.  Hopefully I can start that soon!  You can read more about it on Joanne's or Kathy's blogs.  Thank you so much ladies.  I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you and hope I can one day visit again!

Pat, Doris, Joanne, Kathy
I was so impressed with downtown Chambersburg.  It had the most wonderful fountain in the center of town.  It's not often you see that, at least not in Ohio!  I'm assuming that is the top of the town hall with the fountain in the foreground.

I am home safe and sound and back to reality.  It sure was nice to escape for a few days :)
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A big THANK YOU to all who cast votes for Eema and Cher.  They are officially calendar girls, having finished second with 455 votes!!!  WOO HOO!  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Give me a couple of days to get my act together and I will be drawing two names for the hooked mats.
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Thanks also for stopping by and reading my blog.  I have made the best blog buddies and I appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings.
Happy Fourth of July to you and your loved ones. 
Be safe.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Dear Lauren, I'm thrilled that you had a great time and that you met with Joanne , Kathy, Pat and Doris. What a great way to have a nice little vacation with other blogger buddies.

    I'm more than pleased that your Eema and Cher are officially Calendar girls. That is so cool and congratulations to the two of them and to you who made it happen.

    I'm sorry that I didn't get around to send the $5.00 cheque as the mail is horrendously slow from the backlog of mail and they say that it will take about a month before things runs smoothly. So I knew that the money wouldn't reach it's destination by the deadline of July 1st.

    Have a great weekend. JB

  2. Hi Lauren~

    Glad you enjoyed your trip & made it home safely.

    Yippee for Eema & Cher!! They will make beautiful calendar girls. Did OPR make their fundraising goal?? I sure hope so.

    Have a beautiful 4th~Becky

  3. Yea & Yippee!! for Eema and Cher!!! Too, too, cool!! (Thank you, sweetie Lauren, for helping them do that!!) Glad you had fun with hooking gurus...But, yikes - who forgot to tell me it was khaki shorts and dark tops day?? ;o) Seriously - looks like a fun bunch of gals - and LOVE that fountain!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Dear Lauren,What a fine time you had meeting everyone. Lucky you

  5. What fun you gals must have glad you were able to go. Loved seeing the pic of the fountain now how cool is that!
    Great pics of the coverlets, too. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you and your family a blessed 4th of July!!!

  6. Haha! It does look as though we've coordinated our outfits.
    It was such a treat to have Lauren and Mary visit with us at the shop. Not much hooking was accomplished, but there was plenty of conversation.
    The building behind the fountain is the old courthouse with the newly restored Ben Franklin on top.
    Congratulations to Eema and Cher!

  7. So happy you enjoyed your visit Lauren, and happy you and Mary made it home safely! Sure hope you stop by again the next time you are out this way.
    Congratulations to Eema and Cheri!!

  8. So happy for you that you were able to get to Grant Street and meet everyone! And congrats to Eema and Cher! Have a Happy 4th!

  9. Happy to hear you and Mary made it home safe. Thanks for visiting - I so enjoyed meeting you and Mary. We all look like we are in a line up with our "hooker" necklaces!

  10. So cool that you got to meet such GREAT online buddies! :)

    Have a Happy 4th of July!

  11. I'm glad you had so much fun!! Hopefully we can meet the next time you stop by Grant Street!!
    Thrilled that EEma & cher are calender girls!! you don't think being a celebrity will go to Eema's head do you???


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)