Monday, June 27, 2011

More Rugs and More Thank You's ~

Through the generosity of my blog readers, Eema and Cher are currently in second place in the calendar voting, but with a few yet untallied votes, may actually be in first place.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!  Voting continues through July 1.
I visited with Eema and Cher yesterday.  Though the tumor has grown a bit, Eema is still her same sweet self (unless you invade too much of her space and then she gets a little grumpy) and is showing no signs of distress.
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Here are more rugs from Saturday's rug show.

Isn't this a fun rug?

I LOVE this rug!

The same pattern but two totally different rugs.

I hope I've got the story correct.  The Dunham Tavern Museum has this antique rug that is showing its age.  Here is the original rug.


The Western Reserve Rug Hooking Guild was asked to reproduce the rug.  It was a group effort by many hookers and here is the result.  They did an excellent job!  Well done, hookers :)


I'm off on a short get-away with dear friend Wink (aka Mary).  We plan to antique and visit the Coverlet Museum in Bedford, PA.  From there we head to Chambersburg to visit Grant Street Woolworks.  I am so excited.  I hope to meet Kathy, Joanne, Pat and Doris.  I feel like I know these dear ladies though we have never actually met.
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Thank you so much for stopping by.  Please come again soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Woo Hoo!!! Yea for Eema and Cher!! You girls go! Gorgeous I love that photo of the walls with them all on and so wonderfully placed - so much creativity and hours on a wall. Holy Cats.... You have fun Girl!!! Have a wonderful week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Those rugs get my imagination going! I need to start another one. They are all so beautiful!
    I just can't wait till Thursday. It's so much fun to meet blogging friends in person! Please have a safe trip and enjoy the Coverlet Museum.
    Congratulations to Eema and Cher!!!

  3. Hi Lauren~

    Love the rugs. It boggles the mind to think of all the hours put into those rugs. Hope your visit with Eema & Cher was a good one. Woohoo~here's to hoping they make it to the top of the list. They sure are a couple of beauty queens. Enjoy your trip.


  4. I am so glad that the voting is going so well. yahoo. Have a wonderful trip it sounds heavenly to me.

  5. Have a wonderful trip and see you on Thursday! Woolhoo!

  6. The rug show rugs are really nice ~ friend, Donna, always says this is a really good rug show!! I try not to be jealous but how fun to see some of your blog friends! Tell them I said hi!!! Have fun and I hear the museum is well worth the trip, too!!

  7. Thanks for the rug show. How lucky to meet great hookers all in one place.

    That reproduction rug job is awesome. I'm glad to hear that the girls are getting closer to becoming calendar girls.

    Good luck. JB

  8. Just love seeing other people's work!! Those rugs are awesome, I think I like the chickens the best!

  9. WOW! Some really great rugs....I especially love the peacocks!

  10. Hi wonder you make such wonderful are always around such great inspiration!
    Sounds like a fun trip....look for my post when you get back........oh, yes I will!

  11. You're going to be at Grant Street this Thursday??? Oh how i wish I would've known-i wouldd've taken off and come up (I live about 1 hour south of chambersburg!) Maybe NEXT time!!!!

    WOOHNOO to Eema & Cher (I've gotta get my votes in..i'm having paypal troubles)

  12. Great rug show, there are some lovely one there.
    Have a great time out with girlfriends, there is just nothing like girl time.
    Happy to hear the canine girls are doing well in the voting. Go girls.

  13. I like so many of these rugs! Lucky you taking a trip to Grant Street! I've always longed to go after reading about it in so many blogs! Have a wonderful trip with your friend. I'm glad the pugs are well...may they reach 1st place!

  14. Woo Hoo. Good luck to Eema and Cher! I hope that they're winners. Love all those rugs (but not that they're reminding me that I should be doing some hooking :o( ). Hope that you have a wonderful time on your trip!

  15. Such gorgeous works of art!
    I can't thank you enough Lauren for getting me started on this wonderful craft...haven't been at it much this Spring/Summer but it's always there beckoning me to pick it up.

    Good luck ot Cema and Cher!!!


  16. Thanks for sharing your photos. I'm not a hooker but enjoy seeing these beauties and the variety of designs is endless. Loved it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)