Saturday, May 14, 2011

Western Reserve Hook-In ~

The hookers of the Western Reserve ATHA Chapter 119 really know how to have a great hook-in ~ a variety of vendors, home-baked goodies and a scrumptious lunch!  They also had a Chinese raffle with so many wonderful prizes.  Guess who didn't win anything!
I just wanted to do a quick post showing the progress I made on my proddy sheep rug.  Here's the before . . .

. . . and here's the after.  Sad, isn't it?  I think I may have pulled a total of four worms.  I did get some yummy wools and got to spend the day with so many talented women.  What more could a hooker ask for?

I'll post more about the hook-in soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I think that hook-ins should be renamed Chat-ins. Your story is very common. I guess we all like to hook alone and talk together. Lol
    Can't wait to see more pics

  2. Tee Hee....I feel your pain (and your fun!) We do little impromptu "hook-in's" among us boony-town folk here, and I never get ANYTHING accomplished....I think I have adult ADHD or something....sounds good at the time - but had I sat at home, I'd have gotten more done (or, then, again, maybe not!) ;o) Still looks great! Whatcha thinking on for the outer border - an antique black? Or no border?? Hurry up - we can't stand the suspense! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  3. Lauren's sheep looks even better in person - if you can believe it. Great color choices. I agree, Lauren. It was one of the nicest hook-ins I've been too. It was great seeing you.

  4. Your rug is looking real good and I love your background a lot.

    I've never been to a hook-in but I've been to a Fiber Art retreat and I think that we did more looking, than working there too. We laughed a lot and had a great time meeting each others and networking.

    Hurry up and finish that rug, you're almost done and then you can cross it off your list. Have a nice Sunday. JB

  5. Lauren, I so admire your hooking talent, I love the designs and color palate you decide upon. I have attended informal hook-in's which were so much fun, but mostly filled with wonderful conversation and food!! Looking forward to future photos, Hugs Julie.

  6. I just love this little proddy sheep. The background is awesome and makes sheepy pop! Having only gone to one hook-in, I am not an expert, but I was so distracted...getting up to shop, look at rugs, check on the rug show and auction...very little hooking done!

  7. Lauren,
    I've often wondered why they call them hook-ins too! More talkin' and eatin' than hookin'! LOL!
    LOVE how your proddy sheep is turning out! GREAT background!
    I'll anxiously await more photos!
    Cathy G

  8. Hi Lauren~

    Love how your rug is turning out. Sounds like you had a lot of fun at the hook in or should I say Chat in.

    Enjoy your weekend~Becky

  9. You're a fast blogger, girl!! You haven't been home long ~ we hit some heavy rain and saw three accidents along the way!! Yikes!! Your rug is great ~ LOVE the movement in the background ~ you're on the homestretch now!!

  10. I can't hook at hook-ins. I talk too much and can't concentrate on hooking! LOL! Your rug is beautiful, I love the colors!

  11. I don't hook at hook-ins either... too many people to talk to and vendors to visit! lol! I do really like this sheep rug! The background really added good movement to a very fluffy sheepie! I think your could finish that background this afternoon... I know you can! ;-)

  12. Sometimes it's more about the camraderie and less about the hooking. Think of it as a day of filling your that you're on FULL, you can come back home and get your motor running to finish up that rug!

  13. I think your sheep is looking outstanding! A Hook in sounds like a lot of fun, Cheri

  14. That rug is fantastic...I know about being at a hook-in...I'd never get anything done...I'm too curious to see what everyone else is doing....Great chat time...

  15. Just want to say thank you for attending our hook-in, always great seeing what you are working on, and have to say your rug with the proddy is looking wonderful.
    Hope to see you at the next Friday hooking at the library, think it is the 27th.


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