Sunday, May 15, 2011

Western Reserve Chat-In ~

Kim was the first to suggest and others agreed that a hook-in should instead be called a chat-in!  I don't consider myself a "chatty" person at all, but when I meet up with hookers, something happens to my mouth and it won't stop talking!
It ended up there was no rug show, though a few rugs were displayed.  Thinking there was going to be one motivated me to put the binding on my Maggie B rug, so that was good :)
These are the rugs that were displayed.

There were seven vendors offering the most wonderful wools.  As Heidi referred to him on her blog, that's Mr. Heavens to Betsy with all their wonderful wool.


Not sure which vendor this was.

I introduced myself to Kris Miller from Spruce Ridge Studios and was given a great big hug.  What a sweet lady offering beautiful wool and patterns!  That's her on the floor helping with color planning.

Alice from a Day in the Life and her sweet hubby Sonny.  If you recall, I took my proddy class from Alice.  If you ever get a chance to take a class from her, please do.  It is always a fun day!

The hookers I hook with locally.

I got to meet Liz from Wiggle Bottom Farmhouse.  She is working on Brave Hunter and doing an amazing job.  Her colors are wonderful!

Donna aka Wool Maven (but no blog) is hooking King Arthur.  Her loops are some of the most perfectly pulled that I've ever seen!

I don't have the name of the lady who is hooking this, but it is beautiful.  A very fine cut and gorgeous shading.  Truly a work of art.

Mom and daughter hookers, Sylvia and Lisa, with their winnings ~ paisley teacup pin cushions. 

Each participant received the sweetest necklace, made with a piece of old paisley and attached sheep charm.  Our name tags can be re-purposed in to luggage tags.

My wool purchases.

The weather in northern Ohio is more like early March than mid-May.  Today I did something I rarely do ~ crawled in to bed and took a nap.  It was heavenly.  I cannot power nap.  I thought I would treat myself to an hour nap.  I'm not sure how many times I ended up hitting the snooze button.  It really was a perfect day for a nap.  My heart goes out to those whose livelihood depends on the weather or those threatened with flood water.  My biggest inconvenience is not being able to work in the flower gardens or cut the grass.  I really am blessed!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow Lauren,
    Looks like you were in the best of company! Surrounded by all that gorgeous wool to boot!
    Nice rugs and I LOVE that fraktur pouch!
    A nap is a good thing at times our bodies need more than the eight hours or so at night. Glad you could enjoy a good one!
    ( we could have frost here tonight.... ugh! I'm glad I haven't bought any annual plants yet....... supposed to warm up this week....... I'm hopeful!)
    Cathy G

  2. Thanks so much for sharing, Lauren! Love that first crow rug - and the sheep and sunflower rug to the right of the second photo (but, then again, I have a thing for birds and sheep...) Nice wools you found! Weather is weird here, too - too, too cold for mid-May. We had sun today (finally) but accompanied by gale-force winds. Yikes. Mother Nature is sure picking a bone or two! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  3. Looks like a wonderful hook-in and lots and lots of great wool to choose from! Have a wonderful week.

  4. Looks like a good time was had by all. Sorry I had to miss it. The rugs are beautiful and I'm thinking about stealing your wool!

  5. Wow! What a great chat-in! So many beautiful rugs and wool! I really like the fraktur ditty bag! I always forget that hooked pieces can be made into more than just squares for the wall or floor...

  6. What gorgeous rugs!! looks like you all had a wonderful time and your finished rug is fabulous!!
    Kris miller is coming in november to teach a weekend class..I can't WAIT!@!

  7. Good Morning Lauren~

    Thanks for sharing your pictures of those beautiful rugs. The hook in (I mean chat in) looks like a fun time.

    Enjoy your week~Becky

  8. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures with us. I just love Spruce Ridge Studio display. She has gorgeous designs. Love also looking at all that beautiful wool you purchased. I hope that you are all rested by now. JB

  9. Its nice to see other hookers work, but it is also fun to see pics of other bloggers. I would have been chatting and shopping more than hooking too. Love your new wool. I just got my 2nd order from Heavens to Betsy last week. Sooo pretty.

  10. Thanks for sharing pictures of all those great rugs. I love the little gifts you got at the hook-in. What fun to meet so many blog buddies. It looked like a great time. The wool you bought is so awesome!

  11. I loved all the pictures. I feel like a looky lu seeing what every one is working on and all the vendors. What a fabulous time you must have had. Cheri

  12. Wow Lauren - Thank you SO much for all the pictures! It looks and sounds like you had a really wonderful day! I loved seeing all the different projects and booth displays.

  13. Lauren - I did not get to comment on your wonderful sheep since Blogger was spitting up on all my comments - I just gave up but it is SOOO cool - Love seeing the photos and hearing about the Western Reserve Hook in - Fun that this event has vendors - OMGoodness - I would have been shopping and yakking and very little hooking - as a matter of fact our guilds annual hook in was this past Saturday and we just had a swap/sell table - no vendors but we did have plenty of good food and lots of fun. I'll show some photos of our informal exhibit soon. Hope the weather improves so you can get outside in the garden - we've had the opposite problem - too hot and NO rain. Have a great week! Melody


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