Friday, May 13, 2011

Fini ~

Woo hoo!  It looks like blogger is up and running.  Yesterday my reading list reappeared and then blogger was down.  Just in the last few minutes I see that my last post is also back.  Do you think I am a little too addicted to blogging?
* * * * *
My Maggie Bonanomi rug is finally bound and my next task is to sew on the label.  I made myself bind it so I could take it to the Western Reserve ATHA Chapter 119 hook-in tomorrow.  I've never had a rug in a show before.  It would have been nice to have the Magdalena horse rug bound but it wasn't meant to be . . . sigh!  Maybe next year  :)

The colors are much more subtle in person.

I hope to have many rugs to share with you from the hook-in!
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. BEAUTIFUL finish, Lauren!!! Good luck at the show - and have FUN!! Your rug is wonderful! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Lovely finish Lauren!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  3. The finished rug looks great. Have fun at the hook-in and take lots of pics. I was lost without blogger too. Addicted!

  4. Can't wait to see your rug in person tomorrow at the hook-in. Donna

  5. It looks wonderful! I love the colors. have a wonderful time at the hook in and take lots of pictures.

  6. I love your rug! I think we are all addicted to blogger. It was rough the last couple of days. Have a great time at the hook-in! Like everyone else said...take lots of picks...and I'm so glad you're bringing something for the show.

  7. Lauren,
    Your rug is just beautiful. Love the colors.
    I wish I could join you tomorrow.

  8. Lauren,
    Love your rug! Do you have a spot picked out in your home for it yet?
    It will be fun to have something in the rug show! Snap lots of pics! Please!
    I hope Blogger doesn't keep having problems..... we take it for granted so much of the time and it's become part of a daily ritual!
    Have fun at the show!
    Cathy G

  9. Such a frustrating week with BLOGGER!
    I finally gave up till this morning.

    Your rug is very lovely.


  10. Looking forward to seeing you and your rug at the Hook-In tomorrow, I love the flower pics so much better than the snake ones!

  11. Lauren, I hope that you have fun at the rug show tomorrow and I'm sure that you will get many nice comment on your new rug. I'm hoping that you will get a ribbon too.

    I find that it's always hard to get just the right color when I take a picture of my rugs too. I'm so glad that Blogger is back. I wanted to do a post last evening but Blogger had the flu and was down. I'm going to try to post after I've do my round with my followers. JB

  12. I will be at the Hook-In tomorrow as well! See you then!

  13. Have a good time tomorrow Ms.Blogger. Take lots of pictures.

  14. Great job Lauren!

    I LOVE it! Have fun at the Hook In!


  15. Lauren your rug turned out great! Hoping to see pictures!

  16. Lauren your rug turned out beautiful!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)