Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Peanut, Progress and a Little Confusion ~

I got an email from Peanut's new mom a couple of days ago.  I was so happy to hear that Peanut has adjusted quickly and they just love her to pieces!  When her new mom is home, she is velcroed to her side and when she's not, Peanut is dad's shadow.  Oh, it did my heart good to hear that she is doing well!!!

* * * * * * *
I'm making good progress on my proddy sheep rug.  It is being hooked in mostly a 9.5 cut and just a bit of an 8.5.  In person, there is not quite so much contrast between the two blues.  I'm having fun with this rug and so far am pleased with the results.

I think my last post caused a bit of confusion.  The hooked tulip mat is not my Maggie B rug.  It is just a little tulip I drew up.  My Maggie rug is hooked but not yet bound.  It was the very simple flower design I showed in a number of previous posts.  When I get it bound (hopefully soon!), I will post another picture.

* * * * * * *
Thanks so much for stopping by!  It's still raining here on Ohio's north coast.  I'm whining because I can't get my flower gardens cleaned out, but what about the farmers whose livelihood depends on the weather?  I really have much to be thankful for and should stop complaining, shouldn't I?
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren I am glad peanut is doing so well. The proddy sheep looks great! Cheri

  2. Awwwwww, good for Peanut! Love your proddy sheep rug Lauren.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Glad to hear little Peanut has stolen the hearts of her new owners!
    I love that proddy rug..... the background is just wonderful!
    Thank-you too for your kind words on my blog for Mary's rug! Now I am feeling confused also as to what to hook next! Decisions decisions!
    Cathy G

  4. Hi Lauren,
    So glad to hear that little Peanut is doing well. Sounds like she has found a home with people who love her.
    Though proddy is not my favorite thing to do, I love the way your sheep rug is turning out.
    I will add to the moaning about rain! I don't think it's ever going to get dry enough to roto-till our garden and begin planting.
    Our farmers here in PA are way behind too.

  5. so glad peanut is doing so well. and love your sheep. It is not raining here yet but we have not seen the sun much. they are prediciting rain for the next 4 days. I have had a chance to rake my wall and the big gardens but I have lots more to rake.
    have a great day

  6. Lauren ~ I love your background ~ love all the movement and the proddy sheep is just huggable!! So glad Peanut is happy ~ it must make you feel really good to know you helped that sweet doggie on it's way to a good life!!

  7. Glad to hear the positive report on Peanut. I hear that Dottie is doing well also. Love you proddy piece.

  8. The proddy sheep is just great! I love how it stands out against the background. The blues are super...I like the swirl effect!
    Love it!
    Oh, I'm happy to hear that Peanut is settled in and loves her new people.

  9. Happy to hear that Peanut is adjusting well! Your sheep rug is just ADORABLE! Loved reading your "list" yesterday....it always inspires me to "get in there and get stuff done"!

  10. The proddy sheep is looking great. Love the background colors you have used. It is no surprise that Peanut has adapted so well. What a sweetie! Now I would guess it is almost time for a new foster to find you.

  11. Lauren - so glad to hear about Peanut. Just proved that all animals fit someplace. Not a bad bone in the babies body! Your sheep is looking good!

  12. Oooooo....I LOVE your proddy sheep!!! That background is so fun! (Please stop tempting me...I don't WANT to do proddy!!! Please!) ;o) Too funny about the confusion with your little tulip rug....tells me you have a bright future in rug design if so many mistook it for a Maggie B rug!! It warms my heart to know lil Peanut has a forever happy home...Can only imagine how it makes you feel. Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  13. Love the proddy sheep rug! Fabulous. You have a real eye for primitive design, IMHO.

    Delightful news about Peanut; only now I have an "earworm" from her name..."Found a Peanut, Found a Peanut...etc". Lol. I'm told that humming the theme song from "Bonanza" should clear that tune out of my head. Geesh.

    Keep posting!

    Kathleen...in Central NJ where it's raining yet again

  14. Your proddy sheep rug is really looking awesome. Glad Peanut is doing well.

  15. Hi Lauren~

    So glad to hear Peanut is doing great in her new home!!

    Love your sheep rug!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  16. I love the background on your proddy sheep.
    Happy about peanut. Isn't it great to know he has settled into a happy home.

  17. Hey Lauren, send some of that rain down here to North Florida...we're dry as could be...also bad for the spring flowers. Love your proddy sheep!!

  18. Love your sheep ... but you know I am a sheep lover! So glad to hear that peanut is doing so well. Must be a BIG worry lifted for you.
    Have a great week.

  19. So happy about the news about Peanut - must warm your heart for sure! Your sheep is coming along great!

  20. Proddy sheep looks really great! I added you to my favorites. :)


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