Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's That Time of the Month Again ~

It's that time of the month again, time for my April report card - May goals.  I'd love to say I didn't get too much done on my April list because I was vacationing somewhere warm and sunny or exploring the old cathedrals in Europe, or even that I was able to catch up on my yard work.  Sadly, none of those excuses would be true.  I stayed close to home and the weather has been less than ideal to accomplish any yard work :(

These were my April goals.
  • finish the Maggie B rug ~ DONE
  • bind my horse, tulip and Maggie B rugs (UGH! I hate the finishing part!) ~ Only the little tulip mat is bound.  The Maggie B rug is steamed and the horse rug is STILL rolled up in the same place it was two months ago.
  • make that "wool hookin' tools case" that I didn't make in March ~ Not even started
  • make my "pay it forward" goodies and get them mailed ~ Done
  • purge 2000 more emails ~ Done
  • have a give-away ~ Done
Hey.  It looks like I got more done than I thought I did :)

Even haven taken this picture outside, the colors are still too bright.

I am not going to add a whole lot to my May goals because I'm hoping this weather will soon let me get out in the yard.  There is so much work to be done.  I'm sure all of you can relate!  I know come August we'll be praying to the rain gods for some of this precipitation. 

May goals ~
  • finish what I did not finish in March and April
  • purge 1000 more emails (I am down to less than 5000 - woo hoo)
  • complete my proddy sheep rug
  • make a birthday present
  • YARD WORK!!!
Here are a few more pictures from around my yard.  I just love spring flowers!

I have had my trillium for many years.  Last year was the first year I ever had two flowers and this year I have three!


Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren~

    Love your Maggie B rug!! The flowers are simply beautiful!!

    Have a joyous Sunday~Becky

  2. Love all those flowers... including the one on your Maggie B rug! I agree with the goals for May... I've been outside every chance I get!

  3. I love your Maggie rug too! I wore my necklace to the hook-in and it was a hit! I love it! I only have selling the house and getting a new job as a goal...oh, yeah, and keeping my sanity!
    I hope you get some good gardening in soon!

  4. Lauren - I'm so impressed that you actually write down your monthly goals - what a GREAT idea! I thought I was 'bad' with almost 200 emails on my computer, but now I feel almost virtueous compared to you! LOL Your tulip rug is such a fun simple design - timeless actually!

  5. Hi Lauren, Your doing good on your things to do.I love your rug looks great! Cheri

  6. Flowers are beautiful!! You are going great guns on your 'to do' list!!! I personally can't accomplish a thing without one!
    Have a great week!

  7. Lauren, you are such a trooper with that list of monthly chores. You may not get everyone done but at least you get some of them done and that's great.

    Your flowers are gorgeous and I love that Trillium, so pretty. Your rug is lovely too. So appropriate for spring. I'm with you with the YARD WORK, so very much to do and never enough time.

    Have a great weekend. JB

  8. Hmmm, when I read the title I thought you had PMS......heehee
    Good luck with this months goals.

  9. Love your rug. and I think the list is great.
    Love your spring flowers ours are just coming out

  10. Looks like you got quite a bit done! Your flowers are so pretty we are finally starting to green up here!

  11. It's so wonderful to see that spring is finally here with the beautiful flowers.

    Lauren I don't know how you do all of the things on that list. I'm a "day by day" person - I look around and everything needs to be done!

  12. oh, i love your little tulip rug! the colors are beautiful!


  13. Pretty flowers & tulip rug :) Don't put too much on your plate... that is what my DH is always telling me. I get really down on myself when I don't get my list cleared.

  14. Loving your Maggie B rug....just primly, simply, perfect! Beautiful blooms too (although I'm surprised that you said your trilliums are slow to multiply - around here, they carpet the floors of the woods and roadsides....are they truly that slow?) And I, for one, am thrilled to see that I'm not the only one with an email "hoarding" issue. I have all these wonderful "files" set up and think I'm progressing when I move them from my in-box to one of the file folders. (But I'm not gonna admit how many I have total...I'd have to reset my calculator to add columns I fear....) Gee, could that be why my computer is more than a wee bit slow??? Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  15. Love your Maggie B rug and love also those followers.They have Best collection of Wool Rugs at guaranteed lowest prices,as i got Wool Rugs.

  16. Hi Lauren,
    Your Maggie B. rug is beautiful! I love it ... and hope (someday) to start one ... and you are way better than me ... at least you have goals ... my only goal is not to have any goals (DONE)!!! See how easy that is ... (just kidding) I did make one goal for this year and that is to learn to hook and learn color planning ... I'll let you know how that goes.
    Have a great week, and don't feel bad ... we have crappy weather here too!

  17. Hi Lauren!

    Looking at your lists - seems like you've been a busy bee! As so many have commented - can't wait to be able to get some yard work done! But I still need to work on rugs, cross stitch, quilts - you get the picture! Dear Dick Goddard says that this year we'll have below average temps with normal preciptation and probably only 3 days of 90 degree weather! The rest of the time will be in the 70s and 80s. Yay! Let's hope he's right!!!



Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)