Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finally Some Sunshine . . .

For Kim . . . and Joanne . . and Karen . . . and all of you who don't like snakes.  This is a post about snakes!
OK.  Let me begin by saying I don't have a problem with garden snakes.  Actually I welcome them in my garden because they eat lots of bugs!  Today, here in northern Ohio, there was this bright light in the sky.  If I remember correctly, they call is sunshine.  It has been quite some time since we've seen it.  So I am out cleaning leaves from the flower beds.  Thankfully I was wearing garden gloves because in a handful of leaves was a snake.  Oh, yes, I screamed like a girl, dropped the snake . . . or maybe after my scream he jumped out of my hands.  I may not have a problem with them, but I don't want them scaring the bejesus out of me either!

* * * * * * *

Since I'm on the subject of snakes, I thought I'd share these pictures taken a few years ago of a momma and baby snake (since it is close to Mother's Day) sunning themselves in the garden.  They were just too cute! 

Do I have anyone who has actually made it to the end of this post?
Pug hugs :)


  1. I went fast through the snakes cause eeeekkkk I do not like them and they eat the little toads that live in the gardens. It is cold here 37 tonight. bbrrr

  2. Ewww, ewwww super fast scrolling. I'm actually heebie-jeebie itchy right now. You touched it....... Why oh why did I read this right before bedtime?

  3. I'm not very fond of snakes either. I only found a tiny garter snake in the grass by the house once and I have lived in this area for 46 years. Ir was only about afoot long and as big as my finger. I'm sure that your are a brave woman just the same even thought it startled you.

    Great pictures of the snakes,

    We are having heavy rain today and the river level is rising. JB

  4. Being a kid who brought home all kinds of creepy-crawly things to the horror of my mother, I don't mind snakes at all.
    I actually have a pet corn snake and I welcome having wild snakes near the yard and garden. They do eat lots of harmful insects.
    Cool pictures of the mom and baby snake.

  5. I don't mind the snakes as long as they aren't poisonous. We found a copperhead in one of my flowerbeds, and my neighbor found 2 in her CLOSET!!!! So, send the good ones this way.

  6. I know they are precious creatures in the natural world and all but they still kind of creep me out! We don't often see snakes here any more unless you go looking for them in wooded areas. Your photos look like National Geographic!
    Cathy G
    P.S. We saw a glimpse of bright light here today too...... so THAT'S what you call it..... sunshine...... Hmmmmm....

  7. Hey girl, I'm with you, don't mind snakes OR spiders for that matter because they eat lots of bugs. But, I would totally FREAK and scream like a girly, girl if I picked one up and didn't realize it! Would have scared the bejezus out of me too!

  8. Beautiful picture's!!!! I respect and love all that lives and grows.

  9. I made it to the like snakes as long as they stay at least several feet away.In my hand I'd be screaming too.Glad the sun is shining.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  10. Could you add me to the list of gals that would rather avoid snakes! I have come across them while gardening throughout the years and every time I jump and scream and generally act like I'm being attacked. My boys used to think it was quite funny! Good times!

  11. Wow! Who knew that about snakes? The photos are beautiful. Karmen

  12. Oh, Lauren............snakes give me the
    creeps! I never even think about finding one when sticking my hands in places like that. I will have to be more careful. I have to admit though that you took some really good pics. Jack Hanna would like those!

  13. I don't mind them as long as they don't come near me. We saw a huge black snake in our creek last week he was just slithering around saw me and went the other way so didn't mind him at all. Problem is I dn't know too much about snakes so wouldn't know if he was poisonious or not! What kind of snakes are in these pics?

  14. EWWWW!!!! I am not a fan of snakes. I know they have their place in the garden but I just don't like them at all... I think I would have had a heart attack had I picked one up...Oh well Have a great weekend

  15. I would have screamed like a banshee and probably wet myself if that had been me!!! I can't even look at those pictures and there is NOTHING cute about a mom and baby snake...shudders!

  16. Thanks for the warning - I had my hand on the page down button and boy did I fly by when I got an instant glimpse of that pic - EWWWWWW I would have been in the next state had that happened to me!

  17. I'm still here! Argghhh.... I do NOT like snakes...I DO not like them NOT ONE BIT...I do Not LIKE SNAKES, Sam I am. We have a pool out back and I believe we created a hiberniculum. Every summer, these huge honking pine snakes (some reaching 8' or better) take to living poolside. Funny thing is, they seem to be attracted to ME. DH and DS can go out there all they like - come back in, nothing. I go out for 2 seconds and trip on one or two or five! But - I will give you this, Lauren, I have never seen a mommy and baby sunning themselves like that - those are truly incredible photos. And I promise to be a bit more snake tolerant (well....ok - maybe "promise" is too strong of a word....) TFS....Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  18. Ewwwww! Hate them! I swear, Lorain County has the most snakes in the whole wide world. I'd never get that close for photos. You're brave!

  19. If I accidently picked one up like you did I probably would have thrown it into the next county.
    I don't like them surprising me. But you did get some great pictures.


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